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 "What do we tell them?" I closed my eyes and rested my head in my hands. Pietro and I had decided to go join the team to try and figure everything out. They didn't know we were coming, or who we had lost.

"We tell them that Peggy's gone and then deal with it." I said bitterly "No matter who we lost, it doesn't matter. What matters is that we get them back." Tears were welling up in my eyes as I trembled with grief and Pietro raced over from where he'd been watching me fly the quinjet.

"Hey Солнце." he said softly as he rested a hand on my shoulder "Why don't you take a break." I nodded wordlessly and switched the jet to autopilot before standing up and collapsing into Pietro's arms. My whole body was shaking as I sobbed endlessly while Pietro held me close to him. "I'm right here Солнце." he cooed "Just let it out."

"I miss her!" I wailed "I wanted to see Peggy grow up, and now she's gone!"

"We'll get her back." Pietro promised, smoothing my hair back. I managed to stop crying long enough to look at him sadly.

"You know I'm here for you too." I said quietly "I know you're probably just as upset as I am, and I'm over here not even asking how you are." Pietro chuckled softly and kissed me.

"Worry about yourself Солнце." he said gently "You can't help others if you can't help yourself." I smiled slightly and curled into his side as we sat down. "I love you Brooke Maximoff." he whispered.

"I love you too Pietro Maximoff."

"Pietro, wake up. We're here." Pietro bolted upright and looked around frantically. He calmed down when he saw me and rested his head in my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair soothingly and tried to think about what to say.

"Do you think Wanda's still here?" he asked hoarsely.

"If she isn't, then we'll get her back." I said, repeating Pietro's words. He grasped my other hand and held onto it tightly, showing no signs of letting go. When the quinjet finally touched down, we stood up and braced ourselves for what we were going to hear. I walked out of the jet with Pietro on guard as several people stood, waiting for us.

"I thought there were three of them." I heard a man, I think his name was Rhodey, mutter to Steve. I ignored Pietro's attempt to push me back and pointed my loaded gun at Rhodey. Everyone immediately tensed up and backed away.

"There were three of us." I said quietly "Now there's two." I dropped the gun and walked over to my mom and dad who pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Kiddo." Dad mumbled. Mom didn't say anything and just held me.

"Who else did we lose?" I asked distantly, trying to not let on just how much pain I felt. Pietro walked over and wrapped an arm around my waist, fear on his face.

"Most of the Wakandan guards," Dad started "Vision, Sam, some talking tree from space..."

"Keep going." I said, knowing that he was avoiding something.

"Wanda and Bucky."

Hunting for a SpeedsterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz