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It had been a month since my last meltdown and things were improving. The team had bonded a lot more and it really showed. Especially when we trained. I wasn't an Avenger but my parents still wanted me to train with them so I could "improve my skills". Mostly that meant just getting beat up and having to have Pietro carry me to my room. Mom and Dad had stopped pressing me to talk as much to them, but I did have to go to "double therapy" with Bucky, which was just the two of us talking to Steve and him writing everything down. It mostly always ended in a Nerf or video game war. I'm not complaining though, going to therapy meant new privileges. For example, getting to go into the city. Today especially was an important day. I had finally convinced the team to let me go into the city by myself. Bucky had backed me up and the team eventually caved. Three hours later and I sorely regretted stepping foot outside the tower.

I was currently walking through a book store and just gushing over the number of books they actually had in there. After I finally selected the ones I wanted to buy, I paid with a card Tony gave me and started walking to go find a quiet place to read. I never made it there. As soon as I stepped out of the store, someone grabbed me and threw me into the back of a van and I slipped into unconsciousness.

"Brooke Aubergine?"

"You rang?" I sat up from my spot on the floor and glared at whoever was standing in the doorway. My hands were handcuffed behind me and it was impossible to fight from this position. The person moved into the light and I saw that they were an elderly looking woman. A woman who I knew. "No!" I gasped. The woman smiled evilly and walked towards me.

"Miss me Брат?" my former red room trainer asked me. (brat)

Clint's POV

Brooke should have been back by now. I stopped my pacing and grabbed my gun and prepared to go out and find her.

"Clint I'm sure she's fine." Bruce said calmly "She probably got held up in traffic."

"She would have called." I insisted. Natasha finished stocking her suit full of weapons and walked over to me. Just as she did, my phone rang.

"See," Bruce said "I'm sure that's her." I immediately answered it and an familiar voice spoke.

"Clint Barton?" Brock Rumlow asked. My heart was pounding like mad.

"How are you alive? What do you want?"

"How I'm alive isn't important, but what I want is something the whole team should hear. Put me on speaker." I did as he asked and waited as the rest of the team crowded around. "The red room has Brooke." he said finally. My heart sank and Natasha put her head in her hands.

"How do you know about Brooke?" I asked venomously.

"Every father knows his daughter."

Hunting for a SpeedsterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ