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"Every father knows his daughter."

As soon as I could talk I stammered out "You're Brooke's father?"

"It happened a long time ago and when HYDRA pulled me away, I left Brooke with her mother. I didn't know the bitch would sell her to the red room. Once I heard what she had done, I distracted the officials after I saw Brooke's escape plan so she could get away. Then when I heard that HYDRA was going after her, I came clean to my bosses. They weren't too pleased but they backed off of her. The red room just called to tell us we're dicks and that we've gone soft. They have Brooke... and they're going to kill her." Natasha was silently crying and Pietro, Bucky and Steve looked like they were going to break at any moment.

"What do you want us to do?" I asked finally.

"I may never have been there for Brooke but there's no way in Hell that I'm letting my kid die. HYDRA wants to offer a temporary truce until we save her. We both go in, wipe out the red room and then after that we can go back to killing each other. Deal?" Everyone was silent before a lone voice piped up.

"Deal." We all turned to look at Bucky in astonishment. "If they double cross us we'll just kill them." he said in an obvious tone. We all shrugged and made noises of agreement.

"Good," Rumlow said in relief "meet us at the abandoned warehouse at Angel and Winchester."

Brooke's POV

"I really hate you lady." The woman just laughed and continued to carve something into my skin. I didn't know her name and I really didn't want to. It had been three hours and I was honestly starting to lose hope. Then there was a loud bang and I grinned when I realized what was happening. The lady stopped for a second before gunshot echoed through the building. The door was thrown opened and thirty or so people stormed in, shooting any technician or soldier who tried to stop them. Some of them were wearing the HYDRA logo, that's not good. Then I saw the team and I smiled in relief. A sharp pain in my leg made me lose any happiness. I looked down and saw a bullet hole in my kneecap.

"Meanie." I muttered as the rest of the team froze when they saw the lady holding a gun to my head.

"Drop your weapons or she dies!" the woman shrieked. Every single person in the room threw their weapons down in an instant and waited with bated breath.

"Hi Dad, hi Mom." I called from across the room. They both smiled in relief that I was semi OK. "Is it OK if I cuss one time?" I asked innocently. Dad laughed and just gave a silent nod. Turning towards the lady with a big smile I promptly said "Go to hell assbutt." Her eyes widened before I reached up and kicked the gun out of her hand with my good leg and caught it. Without even blinking, I fired the gun straight into her head and watched as she crumpled to the ground, dead.

 "Brooke!" Everyone rushed towards me but Pietro got there first and crushed me in a hug.

"Can't breathe!" I gasped as I patted him on the back. He quickly let go and then leaned in to gently kiss me. "I was getting worried." I whispered as I pulled away briefly.

"I'm offended that you doubted me." I grinned and leaned back in to kiss him.

"Am I forgiven?" I asked cheekily.

"You know I can't stay mad at you Солнце."

"You do know that there are other people in this room who want to see if their daughter's OK, right?" Pietro rolled his eyes and backed off as my mom and dad came running to hug me and make sure I was OK. "Oh my God, you're shot." Dad exclaimed as he saw my bleeding leg.

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