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Harsh light flooded my dark bedroom as my door opened slowly.

"You should be asleep, Callie." My mum whispered despite us both being awake, even though she was whispering I could hear the irritated tone in her harsh voice.

I simply shrugged my shoulders in response.

"You need rest, this isn't good for your health"

I got the feeling she didn't really care about my health or how much or little sleep I got, she just wanted me to be asleep so she wouldn't have deal with me for more than five minutes.

Ignoring her comment, I turned over to face the wall.

Im not mute, that's the last word I'd use to describe myself. That's the last word others would use aswell. My teachers complain that I'm "too" opinionated. My counsellor nags about how I should stop arguing so often and find a better way of dealing with things.

So no, I'm not mute; it's just on occasions like tonight (when she pretends to care) that I'm not too keen to have a conversation with her. She pretends all the time, she always says she wants her 'little girl' to be happy again.

It's complete bullshit, complete and utter bullshit.

She probably just doesn't want social services on her back again after the last couple of times.

The door shut slowly and clicked shut and the room returned to complete darkness. 

It used to bother me that my mum didn't care, a lot of things used to bother me. But now... I'm not really bothered about anything, especially not my mum. I've given up.

Not on life completely, I'm too weak a terrified to kill myself. But I've giving up on parts of life, things are passing by me now and nothing has changed so it's not like it matters. And it's not like I care.

What's the point in caring?

So you can get attached to someone just for them to leave?

Caring just gets you hurt.


Short I know but it's just an introduction.

Please add this to your library because I will be adding more hopefully better chapters than this

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