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Going to try and make this a bit longer

than the other updates.



When I woke up I heard quiet snoring from the corner of my room and I had forgotten that Ashton was here.

It was already 10.00 so mum would be at work, thank god.

Because I would be alone I wandered downstairs and to the cabinet in the kitchen where all my 'medication' was kept.

I opened the small container with 'Monday' written on it in small letters. Should I?

They made me tell Ashton about my fear of not being good enough, what if I start telling other people things?

"You should take them" Ashton's voice startled me and the pills spilled over the counter.

"Don't do that" I sighed and collected all the pills and put them back in the container.

"Sorry," he blushed slightly "But you should take them" his eyes looked from mine to the container and he tools a few steps closer.

"Why do you care so much?" I snapped at him, again.

"Because I feel like yesterday was the first time you've told anyone anything, and I felt honoured, and I want it to happen again" He moved even closer to me leaving at most a metre between us.

"You mean, you want to get to know me?" I don't know what it was he said but it's made me think twice about the pills. It's probably just because this is the first time anyone has ever wanted to get to know me.

And that's why I believed him.



"You mean you want to get to know me?" Her frown from earlier remained but it softened slightly.

"Yes" I replied, I didn't need to sweeten the answer with a long speech about it, because I did really want to get to know her.

She nodded slightly and took the pills back out of the container swallowing them with a glass of water before sitting down.

"No ones ever wanted to get to know me before" She said shyly looking at the floor.

"Well," I said as I sat down, "There's a first time for everything"

"I guess"

"What's your favourite subject at school?"

Shit, I sound like an adult.

"You did a bit yeah" she giggled.

"Did I say that out loud?" And she laughed a bit louder.

Her laugh was beautiful.

"Probably art"

"Why art?" I wasn't saying it was a bad thing but the more I sat with her the more I wanted to know.

"I just think creativity is more important than academic skills, I mean when is anyone gonna need to know the square route of 12?" She rambled.

"I've never thought of it like that" I frowned.

"Really?" Callie sounded so shocked, it scared me a little.

"Don't sound so surprised" I laughed.

"Sorry," she blushed again "I just had you down to be one of those guys that was really artistic and musical not academic"

"Oh I am, I hate maths and science and stuff but I just didn't have you down for one of those girls" he mimicked her from before making her cheeks redden a little more.

There was a few moments of silence after that where we just sat there in the kitchen and didn't do or say anything.

"Any tattoos?" I asked, breaking the silence which I seem to of done before with Callie.

"Um, yeah, a few actually" She surprised me with this.

He imagined Callie as a kinda rock chick but not with tattoos. Plus she was only seventeen.

"Can I see them?" I asked.

She nodded and rolled up her skinny jeans revealing a few small ink pictures on her ankle.

"Talk me through them" I didn't want that to come out as demanding as it did but she lifted her knees to her chest and pointed to the small planet with a ring around it.

"I felt different from everyone else, they all thought I was weird, like I was from a different planet"

I didn't say anything, I just waited for her to carry on.

She then pointed to a cloud.

"To remind me of England, when mum and dad where still together and when everything... When everything was okay"

I looked up and her eyes were glossed over and I could tell she was holding back tears.

I've learnt a lot about her today. She felt alienated and alone for so long, she missed England and where her life was going perfectly.

And I've learnt that I'm the first one that's tried to get to know her.

"Don't cry," I moved my chair closer to hers, "Your far to pretty to cry"

She laughed at this and wiped her

cheeks with the sleeves of her sweater.

"I'm gonna go get dressed" she mumbled and walked upstairs.

I sat down in the living room and pulled and turned on the T.V.

I was flicking through the channels when my phone started vibrating from my pocket.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Asshtoon" My friend, Michael's, voice replied.

"Oh hey, how are you?" I wasn't really expecting him to call, we haven't spoken that much outside of band practise.

"I'm good mate, how's the new place?"

"It's good yeah" I didn't really know what else to say about it.

"You said there was a girl there?" he asked and I could hear him smirking.

"Yeah" I didn't want to tell him about Callie, she was mine to know about.

I know that sounds insane, but seeing how many more tattoos she had makes me think about how much I don't know her, and I don't want anyone else to know about her past or her habits. I want to be the only one.

"Yeah?" he laughed, "Is that all you have to say about her?"

I laughed back, trying not to seem rude.

"So, why did you call?" I changed the subject.

"Well we were offered another gig after the last one and we were wondering if we could drive down and practise? Where you're staying is only three hours away, we could stay the week before the gig and stay in a hotel?"

"You really planned this didn't you?" I laughed.

"Yeah, Luke and Calum actually planned most of it but yeah"

"I don't see why not," I paused when I heard Callie's bedroom door opened. "Ill ask ring you back later"

I hung up quickly just before Callie walked into the room.


longer than the rest and both povs- please vote on this chapter, it would mean a lot :)

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