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It had been a few hours, well enough for it to be time for my mum to come back. Ashton still hadn't come upstairs since I told him he was crazy so I am guessing he either doesn't care or he thinks I need time to think about the question. I don't need time. Yes. I want to be with him, and something he said made me realise that even if he does hurt me there's nothing I can do about it. He is the first person that has ever shown an interest.

"Callie?" Ashton's voice was muffled from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, come in" The door opened slowly and Ashton slid in through the door, not opening it any wider, "The door does open wider" I laughed a little as he finally slid through the gap.

"I wasn't sure if it creaked and I didn't want to wake your mum, she went to sleep" he said sitting down next to me on my bed. Not knowing what to say, I didn't say anything for a while.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out.

"What?" he asked with a hint of humour in his voice.

"I'm sorry I called you crazy" I picked at the fabric on the cushion.

"It's okay" he replied shortly.

It's not that I had expected him to give some big speech about how no one is crazy, just different, but I had expected a little more than 'its okay'

"Yes" I decided to carry one the conversation by answering his question from earlier.

"Yes?" I knew that he knew what I was talking about.

"Yes," I continued nevertheless, "To your question from earlier?" I raised my eyebrows to see if he was going to co-operate yet.

"I know what you mean Callie, but I want you to say it" he rolled his eyes and scooted closer it me on the bed.

"I want to be 'a thing' with you" I laughed.

"Good" was all he said before he lay back on my bed and gestured for me to do the same.

I lay down, resting my head in his chest as he wrapped his arms around me, "Why did you say yes?" He asked quietly after a few minutes.

"Well, you're the only person that has ever shown an interest in me" I said.

"But," he paused, "I thought, with, you know, your.."

"Depression" I interjected.

"Yeah, I thought you wouldn't trust me, or want to do anything with me" he spoke quietly, as if the word depression was a banned word. To be honest, I don't think it's just Ashton that thinks that. I did used to be like that, and when I say 'used to' I mean until Ashton came. That sounds stupid, it's even sounds stupid to me considering it's only been around 24 hours since I met him, but you will be amazed at how quickly one person can change your views on things. I'm not going to say I don't know why I said yes, because I do.

(1) it's not as if this is going to be anything more than 'good friends' or more than 'a thing' (2) the pills, making me trust my instinct instead if overthinking things and backing out (3, being the most important) Ashton. The things he said have made me feel special, I've thought about this since I called him crazy and went into my room, even if this is a game, I will get hurt at the end. Not now. So I should enjoy it now. And Ashton is definitely something to enjoy.



She didn't reply, but I didn't really mind. I knew she was thinking about her answer that's fine. We lay there for quite a while, my arms wrapped around her whilst her head was resting on my chest.We seem to do that alot, just sit together in silence. Eventually, we both fell asleep not even getting ready for bed.


The sun streaked through the curtains leaving rays of sunlight in the pattern if the curtain across the room. The small clock on Callie's clock read 10:37, which makes a different from yesterday morning when it went off quite abruptly at 6:15. I looked down at Callie who still had her head resting on my chest and legs intertwined. Her mouth was open as she slept and strands of her long black her were swept over her face. Brushing my fingertips over her face, I moved all her behind her ear. She was beautiful, there was no denying that.

And in that moment her beauty struck me more than it had in any other moment. As the sunlight filtered through the curtain and on too her face her pale skin looked soft, her long eyelashes rested gently on the top of cheeks, her black hair fanned out over the white pillow. She was perfect, in every sense of the word. The way she was, the way she looked. No, she wasn't as skinny as the other girls but she had curves and that is much better than visible bones in my point of view. I don't think I could find this situation more weird, I had woken next to a girl, fully clothed and I now was admiring her beauty. Obviously I had admired girls beauty before, as I said a few days ago people deserve to know their true worth. I felt bad now, after looking over Callie, like I had found something in her that the girls before her never had, and yet I was still playing this game with her. Breaking me out of thought Callie rolled over and mumbled something about it being to bright, she then sat up suddenly.

"Shit!" She exclaimed loudly before jumping out of bed and checking the clock, "Shit, shit, shit!" she repeated as she locked herself in the bathroom with a change of clothes she had grabbed from her wardrobe. "Callie? What's wrong?" I shouted through the door.

"School, Ashton! I have to go to school!" She appeared from the bathroom a few minutes later with ripped skinny jeans and a oversized white jumper.

"You look beautiful" I said truthfully as she rushed around stuffing things in her bag. She stopped for just a second and looked at me as if I was crazy (that wasn't the first time).

"I can drive you if you want? I brought my car" I asked as she rushed around a bit more.

"No time!" She yelled whilst running downstairs. I heard the front door slam and laughed to myself, she really was beautiful.

And yet again I had to remind myself that this was all a game.



I know this story has been very shit but until now I hadn't planned any of it, but the rest of the chapters will improve ... hopefully.

and I know this has mostly been in Ashton's POV but I did that because in most fanfics you don't really get the boys pint of view.

but yeah, please vote and comment! :*

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