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After Ashton and my mum caught up he sat on his small bed and unpacked all his things into his drawers.

"You're really pretty" I looked up from my history project and saw him staring at me, his brown eyes wide open and sparkling.

I couldn't tell if he was joking, he was probably taking the piss.

Someone as attractive as Ashton would never think I was pretty.

Yes I do think he's attractive.

I shook my head and carried on writing.

"I'm being serious" I looked back up and he had put his empty suitcases in the corner of the room.

I ignored his comment, I didn't know what to say.

"You can put those under my bed if you want, they're just taking up your space" I said pointing to his suitcases.

He sighed and picked them up, sliding them under my bed.

As I carried on working I felt the bed dip and looked up to find Ashton leaning over my shoulder looking contently at my work.

"Do you mind?" I snapped, I needed to get this done for tomorrow.

"Not really," he shrugged, "Why don't you believe me?" he sat back on the bed leaving a small space between us.

"Why don't you leave me alone?"

I didn't have a valid reason for being like this to Ashton, but I guess it's natural.

When people are nice to me I try and push then away because I know that if they get close to me, eventually the would leave and I would be left alone. I would end up trusting them and I would end up telling them everything. And they would end up leaving.

"Do you always do this?" I turned to face him and he was frowning his eyebrows knitted together causing a small wrinkle to appear inbetween.

"I don't know what you mean" I turned back around and tried to ignore him it when he's so persistent it's hard.

"You do," he said flatly, "What would I have to do for you, for you to do something in return?" He asked boldly, no hesitation in his voice, pure confidence. Something I lacked.

"I would never do anything for you" I replied bluntly.

"Yes you would" he stated

"No I wouldn't" he was getting to something.

"You would, we both know you would" he smirked slightly.

"Is that why you called me pretty? Were you bribing me?" I raised my eyebrows at him and he just shook his head and laughed.

"I called you pretty because you are, and pretty people deserve to know their true beauty. Others tend not to point out others beauty because it makes them feel ugly; but I believe that saying the truth is beautiful in its self" he finished his sentence with a small nod and he looked at me with no expression on his face.

That was genuinely the best thing I think anyone has ever said to me, he wasn't afraid to speak his mind. He wanted everyone to know their worth in the world.

Ashton was like no one else I've ever met.


ooohhh, I know all these chapters are short but I'm having to write them on my phone because I've left my iPad at my mums house😭

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