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I felt angry, frustrated.

I knew we weren't going to last together but I guess I forgot.

I forgot that he would leave just like everyone else.

I forgot I was a temporary thing in his life.

And most of all I forgot he didn't love me like I love him.

I truly loved him, and that's the only thing I can feel over the numbing pain of everything.

I'm sick of people leaving me, I'm sick to everything. Just everything.

I was so happy when he came along, and now it hurts to remember him or anything to do with him.

He left his spare drumsticks and I didn't have the energy to burn them like a normal ex would.

So instead they just lay there, I can barely look at them without crying

It sounds pathetic I know but I love him and it wasn't him so it has to of been me. It has to.

It was my fault.

Everything was my fault.

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