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We got back and I opened the front door for her, we barely walked inside when Calum practically jumped on her. He wrapped his arms around her, not giving her any room to move.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much for coming back! I'm sorry" Calum cried.

"Um, it's okay" Callie said clearly confused by what Calum was doing.

"Could you.. um let go?"

"oh sure," Calum let go and smiled at her, "Sorry"

Ashton and Mikey weren't home, but I texted them both telling them they could come back. I wandered into the kitchen and made Callie a cup of tea, I heard the front door open and heard Michael.

"Callie!" he exclaimed, "I'm so glad you're alright!"

I laughed to myself, it's amazing that these people weren't even talking a few hours ago and now they were hugging and laughing.

I'm glad she was okay too.



Of course I was grateful that Calum and Michael are being nice to me. But I just wanted to talk to Ashton.

As if on queue Ashton rushed through the front door and ran into the living room.

His hair was messy and he had tears running down his face, his eyes were red from crying and it broke my heart.

"Callie" he breathed.

He walked towards me but stopped when I took a step back.

"I'm sorry" Is that all he had to say?

'I'm sorry'. Really? From what Luke told me Ashton knew exactly why I left, he knew how I felt and all he had to say was sorry?

"Really?" I laughed.

"What do you mean?" he frowned and looked worried.

"Sorry? Is that all you have to say?" I decided I will tell him what I think, "C'mon Ashton. Luke told me about the other girls. He told me you told them it was a 'thing'. But Luke also said I was different to the other girls.

And you know what? I believe him! Our 'thing' is barely a 'thing', we've had so much drama and we haven't even fucking slept together" I yelled causing him to flinch.

"We haven't even been on a date and we've had more drama than any other type of relationship! I'm sick if this Ashton, I'm sick of it! You put me last when I put you first, you ignore me when something better comes along and I hate it! I hate it so much" I had stopped yelling by the end and I would of been crying but I had cried all the tears I had today.

"Callie-" I interrupted by shaking my head.

"Stop, just stop" I rushed past him and ran to my room like a stupid 11 year old having a strop.

I heard quick, heavy footsteps coming behind me so I slam my door hard and hear the door hinges rattle.

"Callie" I heard Ashton sob, "Please let me in"

"Go away!" I cried harder as I pictured Ashton crying because of me.

"Please, I-I can explain" he stuttered.

I knew he could explain, everyone can right? Everyone has an explanation for something they did wrong. I'm not saying there's an explanation for everything because there's not. But when put in the situation that you need to apologise you always seem to have an explanation. That's just how the world works I guess.

"I don't want your stupid explanation" I sobbed. And I was telling the truth. I don't want his explanation as to why I was just a game to him, or why he did what he did. Sure I has heard it from Luke but there's so many different sides to each story.

"Please" He whined through the door, "Please Baby"

"Is that what you called the others" I snarled, suddenly more angry than upset.

"No!" there was a hint of desperation in his voice and I think that irritated me even more.

"You're lying Ashton and we both know you are!" I yelled

"I'm not Bab-"

"Don't call me that Ashton! I don't wanna be just another girl you hook up with! You said you wanted to get to know me, but you probably told the other girls that didn't you?!" It's true, I'm not special to him.

"Let me fucking explain Callie!" He yelled pounding on the door.

"No Ashton!" I screamed at him and my voice was soar, I had so much anger towards him at the moment and I didn't know what to do.

I'm never normally angry, jut upset. I always cry and cry and cry and cry, I've never been this angry; I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't know how to get my anger across so I just screamed and yelled at him whilst he repetitively yelled that he could explain about the other girls. And now my voice was soar, my throat was dry and my whole body was tired and aching.

"Ashton, please please please just go away" Small tears rolled down my cheeks as I hugged my knees and gave up on being angry with him. I just wanted sleep and I wanted time away from people.

"I'll be downstairs" he whispered, barely audible through the door.

And then the room was filled with silence. No noise, no talking, no music, nothing; just silence.

I crawled into bed and let the tears keep coming.





they've barely done anything together and she's crying lol

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