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Since Callie rushed out the door I've just been laying here, I tried to get up about an hour ago but I stood up and the idea didn't sound so appealing. The whirring of the air con slowly stopped so I sighed and went to check the small vent where it should be coming out of.


I grabbed the phone from my bed in the corner and dialled Karens number.


"Hi Karen, it's Ashton"

"Oh hello dear, how are you doing? Did you sleep well?" she asked.

"I'm fine thank you, and yes I did. But I was just ringing because the air conditioning has stopped working"

She told me how to get it to work again and then rambled on a bit more about how hot her work was, I said I few 'yeahs' and laughed at times she did for a few more minutes until I remembered I had to and about Michael, Luke and Calum.


"Yes sweetie?"

"I was just wondering if three of my friends for a bit-"

She interrupted me "Of course Ashton, I'm so glad that-"

I stopped listening again, that woman would talk forever it she could. As soon as I got off the phone to Karen I rung the boys.

"Hello?" Calum answered.

"Hey mate, are the boys there?"

"Yeah, one sec" there was shuffling and then I heard Luke and Calum.

"Hey boys, you can come round here to get a bit of practise in before the gig"

"Okay, great, when?" Luke asked.

"Come round Friday, go to mine and pick up my drum kit though"

"Sure! I h-" there was a loud bang in the kitchen followed by a "Shit!"

"Sure, we'll see you then, Mikey just broke something so we gotta go, Bye!" They hung up quickly before I could say anything.

Seen as Callie was at school and the boys were doing whatever they were doing, I was alone and thought I might aswell go for a drive. I got into a new change of clothes and threw the others in the wash hamper.

I grabbed my car keys and climbed into my car. It was 2:30 so I had an hour before Callie finished school.

Starting the car, I drove down the lane and onto the main road. The one thing I love about Australia is that wherever you drive there's something to look at.

I used to go for drives a lot, when things at home weren't good the drives would distract me.

Probably because I like people watching (in the least paedophilic way possible), I liked seeing someone walking on the street and thinking about where they were going or where they had come from. I guess it distracted me from my own problems at home, but I'll leave that for now.

Before I knew it, it was 3:20 so I found my way to Callie's school.

When I parked, there was already a lot of people stood outside of there cars, I out on my black ray bans and stepped outside the car. I waited for a few minutes before I saw Callie walking down the steps with her books clutched to her chest and her bag on her shoulder.

I walked up to her and smiled when I saw she looked surprised to see me.

"Hello beautiful" I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek before taking her books and wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

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