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Spending my Saturday revising isn't the best, but considering all my targets are at least B's I want to work hard.

I can't disappoint anyone.

Sunday morning went along the same as the morning before. I got up, showered and revised.

By 1:00pm I was tired, bored and had a massive headache. The notes I had been working on were scattered around the room making the mess look a larger scale disaster than it already is.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my damp, knotty hair as I tried to get my head around an algebra equation.

Giving up, I changed brushed my hair and pulled it up into a messy ponytail, I changed into something more suitable as I still wasn't comfortable around all the boys yet. And yes they are still here.

That's not an awful thing, but it's not great either. I've barely spoken to Ashton since he disappeared downstairs on Friday after our argument. He's always coming to bed at like 1:00am and getting up at 9:00am which is before I've even thought about getting up. The boys will normally go out for breakfast (no invitation proposed) then come back and have band practise till they go to bed.

I kept hoping that this would get better and that the footsteps coming up the stairs will be Ashton's to come talk to me not someone going to the toilet.

But, no.

It's got worst.

My haven't seen my mum all weekend either, and I don't mean I haven't had a chat with her all weekend. I mean I literally haven't seen her.

She's been doing night shifts and had to stay at the staff ward in the hospital all weekend. She hasn't even texted.

So with my mum gone, Ashton ignoring me and not having any friends, I've been completely alone.


Anyway, I wandered downstairs passing the living room and pausing for a few seconds debating on wether to day hi or not.

I decided not to as none of them had seen me.

I made myself a cup of tea and bag of crisps and headed upstairs.

Before I had even left the kitchen Luke walked in.

"Hey Callie" he smiled, "How are you?"

"I'm good thanks, how are you?" I smiled back, Luke seemed the nicest out of Ashton's friends. Maybe it's his smile, or maybe the fact he actually talks to me.

"I'm good" he smiled again, "You should join us" he said gesturing to the living room.

I hesitated, did I want to? That's a stupid question actually, of course I did.

But there's no point.

"Why isn't there a point?" Luke frowned.

Shit, I said that out loud didn't I?

"It doesn't matter" I muttered, I could feel my cheeks heating up as I made my way upstairs.

"Callie, wait!" I could hear Luke following me upstairs.

I groaned as I didn't want to explain, I out my tea and crisps on my desk and sat down with my head in my hands.

"What do you mean 'but there's no point'" Luke said, quoting what I said downstairs.

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