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(I've had severe writers block here don't judge)


"Luke! That was mine!" Calum whined as Luke ate the last piece of pizza that we had just ordered as they had literally eaten everything in the fridge .

"Sorry" Luke mumbled, his mouth full of toast, "Don't talk with your mouth full!" Ashton said to Luke who quickly swallowed the pizza.

I laughed as Luke and Calum carried on bickering about who's pizza it was.

Their first gig was tonight, it was small but it was a gig. They were expected to be there to set up at about 8:00pm and there set starts at 9:30pm. They were all so excited and you could tell, they were more hyper than normal. Georgie slept over last night as she didn't want to go back to her parents house. Thinking of Georgie made me think about Ashton.

Not that Ashton and Georgie a similar, but what Georgie's going through made me think about Ashton and how he's there for me. I've known him two weeks and he's managed to make me fall in love with him. That's not stupid. is it? Falling in love doesn't have a time limit.

He wrapped his arms around me as I stood at the counter making my dinner which made me smile. He always made me smile. Always.

"I'm so excited babe" he said despite the fact his voice was calm and soothing.

"I know you are, I'm excited to see you play" I replied truthfully, I had heard snippets of some songs but never a full one. Knowing they had a lot of inspiration from Good Charlotte and All Time Low makes me more excited. Now, I've realised that I'm actually glad the boys came down. I feel like he would of got sick of me eventually and then we would have to live together even though he hated me. Luke and I were kinda close now and I had talked to him about how I didn't like any of the three when they first came. Critical was the word I used, I just hated the fact that they got to spend time with Ashton instead of me. I was jealous basically.

"Guys," Michael dragged out the word and sounded like a five year old, "We need to go, it takes, like, twenty minutes to get there and it's half seven and Callie isn't even ready"

"I am ready!" I said finishing my soup and putting the bowl in the dishwasher.

"You're in your pyjamas" he said looking me up and down.

"Oh" was all I replied before rushing upstairs to find something to wear. Eventually I was ready and wearing the nicest, suitable thing.

We all piled in Ashton's car after I tidied up the kitchen and put the boys instruments in. Ashton only bought his drumsticks because there was already a drum kit there and even if there wasn't we wouldn't be able to fit one in the car. Michael rode shotgun whilst Ashton drove and Luke sat in the middle of me and Calum. As Ashton started the car and turned on the radio I saw Luke shaking his leg and fidgeting with his hands. I put my small hand over his and he breathed a sigh of relief. He started this band and anyone could see that it was his whole life.

Ashton started drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as we drove and I couldn't help but notice how the luminescent lights on the dash board lit up his face and how his eyes sparkled and crinkled at the corners when he laughed. I did love him. I really did. It's like as soon as he moved into our house he changed me, I haven't felt alone or sad and I haven't overthought stuff. Sure I ran into a forest in the middle of nowhere because I thought no one cared but that was one bad day. And I'm not gonna let one bad day ruin an amazing few weeks.

"We're here" Ashton squealed like a little girl and jumped out of the car.

The boys grabbed their instruments from the boot and Ashton intertwined our fingers and swayed our arms gently.

Games // a.iΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα