Naruto Goes Missing

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Now.. On with the story!

Hinata's POV-

I woke up and noticed Naruto-Kun was gone I got up and cleaned up the tent. Then I went to Misa and woke her up

"Misa...Misa.. Wake up.." I said shaking her softly.

I heard her groan and say "One more minute.." Then she turned around and was on her stomach. I smiled, I'll give her a minute.

I wonder where Naruto-Kun is.. I started looking around but reminded myself I couldn't go far from Misa. He was nowhere to be found.

I walked back and found Misa still asleep. I sighed and kneeled next to her. "Misa..Time to wa--" Misa shot up and looked like she had just gotten electrified my eyes widened at first but then I was giggling.

Misa rubbed her eyes and stood up cleaning her tent. "Where's Naruto?" She asked.
"Umm-m I don't reall-ly know.," I said looked to a distance. What If something bad happened to him? I would never forgive myself..

But he's strong., he defeated Pain. I looked at Misa who looked at me worriedly. "Are you okay Hinata?" She asked, I nodded. "I'm f-fine. Just worried-d about Naruto-Kun.. B-but I bet he'll be here in a b-bit," I said smiling.

I couldn't worry her even though inside I was falling apart. What if he's not okay?
Ohh Naruto-Kun I hope you okay..

We waited and waited until it was noon but here was still no sign of Naruto I was beggining to freak out and sweat a little. Where was he!? Misa was beggining to do the same.

We looked around a but but he want near there so we returned to our camp out.

Where could he have gone? Why did he leave? Was it because of Last night!? I knew I shouldn't of slept with him! What was I thinking.,

He loves Sakura-Chan!

I was starting to tremble a bit and Misa tried to calm me but nothing was working.. What am I gonna do I can't leave Naruto-Kun behind! He's part of the team..

"Maybe we should leave Hinata.. He strong. And we have to get there today." Misa's voice echoed through my head. I shaked my head, we couldn't just leave..

He'll come back.. Maybe he's doing the bathroom? But he couldn't of tooken that long..

"U-umm-m we should-d probably-y g-go look for-r Naruto-Kun.." I said studdering way more than I usually do. She nodded and we got up and looked around. That's when it hit me.

Byakugan ! Why hadn't I thought of it before!? I immediately activated my bloodline. And looked everywhere and that's where I saw Naruto.

He was hanging from a tree.

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