A Week

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Sorry.. *hangs head* You might hate me a little with how I started it but READ TO THE END OF THE CHAPTER. Thanks (:

Oh, pleaseeee put up with Kiro a littttle longer ^////^
I'm getting tired of him too, but I can't just get rid of him that easily.
I want to write NaruHina scenes as much as you want to read them but.. Just littttle longer, sorry.

I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do.

I stood there for five more minutes before I finally came to my senses.

Everything was happening so fast! I couldn't make up my mind.. I knew I loved Kiro-Kun.. But Naruto-Kun was making me feel butterflies that didn't even compare to what I felt when I was near Kiro-Kun..

And my decision was made, I was going to choose Kiro-Kun but Naruto-Kun made me feel bad.. His eyes, I can't say no to them.. I can't even take my eyes off them, how could I say no?

I decided it was best to head out.. He'll need some time alone.. I do too, I need to think this through carefully..

I looked back one last time before I closed the door to his apartment and the ramen smell left my nose. I walked down the stairs and looked around. The streets were empty. How late was it??

Oh no.. Fathers going to be really mad at me!! I started speed walking but I came to a stop when I saw a familiar person sitting by the lake.

Kiro-Kun.. For some reason he kept getting closer and closer, I finally realized that I was walking towards him and I couldn't seem to stop myself..

As I was walking he turned and saw me. "Hi Hinata-chan. What are you doing this late?" I could hear it I'm his voice, he sounded.. Sad.

"W-why are you s-sad?" I asked sitting besides him. "Me? No.. I'm fine. " I shook my head, "N-no.. You're not.." He wasn't the same..

"Good luck with Naruto." He smiled, but I could tell he was faking it. "Hope you guys last long." That's what was hurting him..

"N-no.. Me.. I-I'm .. W-we're not t-together. " I said blushing.

"Oh.. " was all he said but I could tell he felt better somehow. "Does.. That mean I still have a chance ?"

What? "I-I don't know.." I said truthfully. I was so new to this "dating" thing and it was hitting me pretty hard.. Oh Kami..

"I-I have to g-go. B-bye Kiro-Kun." I slowly got up. Too many bricks were on me right now.. I could seriously have a seizure with all of this..

"Can I walk you home?" I could hear the hesitantness in his voice, maybe.. I should give him a chance? "S-sure, thanks." He got up and patted himself to get the dirt off.

We started walking but it felt so awkward.. Like we never met each other before. Which, somehow.. Bothered me. "K-------" I stopped my words as I saw Naruto walking towards us and he gave the same reaction I did. (A/N now you might hate me)

We were both at loss for words.

"H-Hinata?" He looked really hurt.. "I.. I just confessed.. A-and.. Y-you.." he couldn't finish his sentence but I'm not sure I would be able to hear it..

My heart was aching so bad.. I couldn't take the pressure.. It was t-too much.. I just slowly felt myself black out.


Naruto's POV-

I saw as Hinata blacked out and was heading towards the ground.


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