Returning to Konoha!

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Ahhhhhh! OMG 1k reads! Thanks you guys! This is like.. An honer.. xD

No, but for real. I just can't even... Whewwww! Breath in, breathe out. Breath in, breath out. Domo Arigato Gozaimasu !!!! (Thank you very much) And for that I'm updating early! Yayyyy! Lol like anyone cares but whatever I'll update early! :) kyaaaaa!


Hinata's POV-

I woke up and found N-Naruto-Kun right beside me I jumped and got tomato red. N-N-N-Naruto-Kun-n ?? Then I noticed his arm was wrapped around me and I had his sweater on. I mentally screamed, 'kyaaaa!'. I've always imagined this moment!! B-but.. What time is it !?

I quickly looked at the sun and I estimated it was about 12 am. 'Oh no..' I looked at Naruto-Kun and I didn't want this to end but.. We had to return.. And fast.

I shook him a little but he just moaned and said "One more minute.." He looked so cute ! I thought of an idea but I didn't have the nerve to do it. But, but, but, this might be the only time I can..

Soon.. Soon, he'll be with Sakura-San and I won't be able to get the chance again..

I worked up my nerve and slowly brought my shaking hand to his hair. I let my nails and fingers sink in it. They felt so.. N-nice..

Then I rubbed my hand around his head and moved my fingers along with kt it. "N-Naruto-Kun-n.. W-wake up N-Naruto-Kun-n.."

But he just smiled in his sleep and moved a little closer. I blushed and looked at him. Then I took my hands out but before I could something caught them.

I jumped and looked at what caught them. N-N-Naruto-Kun-n-n..!? Then I was on the verge of fainting when he opened his ocean blue eyes.

"Hinata-chan, keep doing what you were doing." I froze completely, and couldn't move at all. Then his hand took mine to his hair again.

I was still frozen, unsure of what to do. I could barely do it when he was asleep, now a-awake?! I felt his hand on top of mine and started moving my hand and fingers. I got used to it then did it alone.

Once he removed his hand he closed his eyes again. I could do this all day.. Konoha! I immediately stopped and got up. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"W-w-we need-d t-to return-n." Once I said the last word he shot up and said "Let's go!"

I smiled and said "H-hai!" We jumped through the trees at our full speed.

About 3 hours later-

We started walking and from where we were I could see the gates. I was panting pretty bad. 'Breathe in, breathe out.' I kept repeating in my head.

"You okay *breath* Hinata?" He didn't say the -chan this time.. "H-hai."

Naruto's POV-

I woke up to someone's nice, small hand running through my hair. It felt so good so I just pretended to sleep through it. Until she person stopped.

I opened my eyes and grabbed Hinata's hand. I didn't want it to stop, "Hinata-chan, keep doing what you were doing." I saw she got her fever back and Stay stiff as a rock.

I was shocked but I still wanted the feeling of her small hand rubbing my hair so I grabbed it and put it to my hair again. Then I closed my eyes.

At first, she wasn't moving at all. As I was about to open my eyes to see what's wrong she started stroking it. Sakura-chan would never do this.. Mm..

When she stopped I kind of got a little disappointed but what she said next made me spring into reality. "W-w-we need-d t-to return-n."

Once we saw the gates we started walking. I felt a little chilly by the wind but I've never felt it before.. Hmm.

When we reached the gates we got greeted and then we walked off. Out of nowhere everyone showed up. Sakura-chan, Sasuke-teme, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Kiba... And Shino! (Sasuke's back in this story)

The look we got from everyone was amazing. Kiba looked about ready to punch me. Sakura and and Ino were fangirling, Sasuke's the same.. Shikamaru raised his eyebrows, Choji stopped eating chips, And Shino was just.. There.

"Hey guys! Why the stare?" I looked at who the voice belonged to it was Hinata's.

She's never been this open..

"Hinata?" I asked, "Yeah, Naruto?" I gave a shocked face. She didn't say the -Kun..!?

"A-are you okay?" She looked at me and smiled. "Why wouldn't I be?"

His was weird.. Then I noticed they were still staring. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS STARING AT!?"

They pointed at what Hinata was wearing. I forgot the chan again... UGHHH

She was still wearing my jacket. "Oh.. Sorry Naruto I forgot to give it to you earlier. Here."

I grabbed my jacket and gave a blank face.. Was this really Hinata??


Ahhhhh! OMG what happened to Hinata..

And once again, THANK YOU GUYS. !

It means a lot. The votes, comments, reads, thanks! Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu!

I just can't...

Hope I made this chapter good.

Till next time (^_^)/*

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