That wasnt supposed to happen..

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She's dreaming about that teme too!?!? I felt more breath on my neck. She's really getting to me.. AHHH.. I feel like moaning but I can't.! It's not right. She's Hinata and Misa is in front of me.. Gahh...

More breath. Ahh.. But why would she be dreaming about Sasuke!? Does she secretly have a crush on him!? But I thought she liked Kiba !? But she confessed to ME. And Neji?! Well they are cousins. And I suppose they can date.. SO MUCH COMPITETION..

Why jam I thinking this ? Ugh.. But seriously.. Sasuke.. Being in her dream. That's just not right., but then again, it is a dream, anything is possible.. But still.. Misa was getting slow. She's tired. Well I can't blame her I was sorta tired too.

"Misa! Let's take a break." She turned and nodded and suddenly just plopped down on a tree. Man she must've been real tired.. Then something hit me. I'm going to have to let go of Hinata.. Something in me didn't want her to let go..

"Put her down already" I heard a voice. I looked at Misa and she looked annoyed. I gave her a long glare then grabbed Hinata gently and layed her down. As soon as I put her down she opened her eyes. Her skin was still paler than usual but she had a strong fever it looked like, coming up. I looked at our situation I was on top of her and Misa was watching the whole thing.. I quickly got up and explained the situation.


I said putting up my hands as deffence. I was waiting for a hit like with Sakura-Chan. But that never came. Instead I heard Hinata say, "I-It's Okay-y Naruto-Kun." But when I opened my eyes she was looking down at the ground.

"Are you alright Hinata?" I asked she looked down. "I-I.. J-just.. D-Don't feel.. G-Good yet.." And she covered mouth with both her hands. On the verge of throwing up she made a face.

I didn't like throwing up, it didn't feel good. Suddenly I did something that I'd never expected I'd do. I held out my hands for her to throw up on. Even though I didn't want to, my body just moved.

She looked at me surprised and she got a fever again. Damn these fevers..

She moved her head no. I was kinda down, but atleast I wouldn't have throw up on my hands.


Hinata's POV


I c-can't b-believe Naruto-Kun.. L-let Me Throw-w up on H-H-H-His-s H-hands..

I can't do it. It would be gross.


Naruto's POV


Then I turned my face not wanting to see her doing what she was about to do. But she put a hand on my shoulder and said, "I-It's okay I-I'm not-t goin-g to throw up-p. A-Arigato." With a smile. I smiled and said "Douitashimashite" (your welcome)

Misa was looking at the whole seen and pretended to gag. I laughed. So did Hinata. Her laugh was.. Just as hypnotizing as her breath on my neck.. So I stopped and stared at her. She stopped laughing and gave me a worried look. "S-Sorry.. I-I don't-t laugh nice-e" I went up to her and kneeled down. (Since she was still on the ground) "Actually.. It's kinda the opposite.." I said blushing a little.

Her fever came back and I sighed, she needs a good nurse. Sakura-Chan might be able to do the trick! "Hinata why do you always have a fever ? I'll take you to Sakura-Chan when were done with this mission." Her fever was still there.

I put my hand to her forehead. Her temperature seemed normal.. This is a weird fever..

"I-I'm fine.." She said taking my hand away. And getting up. From the angle I was at I noticed how she had a great body.. Sakura-Chan can't even compare.. But..Sakura--Baka. Stop thinking like that! And I facepalmed myself.

When I looked back up Hinata was leaning on a tree and had her hand on her forehead.

She still didn't seem like Normal.. Looks like I'm gonna have to carry her again!! I don't know why that excited me..

"Okay Misa are you read to go again?" I asked looking towards her.

She nodded. Our break was a good 10 minutes. "Were-e A-Almost there.." Hinata said using her Byakugan. She then fell down. She's in bad condition to be using her Byuakugan!

"HINATA ! " I screamed along with Misa. "I'll carry you!" I heard Misa say. I'm supposed to carry her.. That wasn't supposed to happen!


Me- Sasuke come over here and do a disclaimer.

Sasuke- No.


Sasuke- because..

Me-Because what!?

Sasuke- *folds his arms* you havnt included me in your story. Hn.

Me- Ohh *scratches right arm* that..

Sasuke- yeah..

ME- I'll include you but do a disclaimer.

Sasuke- Hn. How do I know your not lying. *Chidori appears*

Me- cause!! I will I will forget the Disclaimer im going to get Naruto. He'll do it,

Sasuke- Wait. I'll do it.. *Chidori Dissapers*

Me- Hn.

Sasuke- Don't copy me!

Me- Do it already-_-

Sasuke- AnimeeeFoxx does not own any Shippuden charachters. Or Naruto Shippuden. Or Naruto. But once she tried to bribe Kishimoto with--

Me- *cover Sasuke's mouth* that's enough outa you!


Me- *sigh* just leave.

*Sasuke leaves.*

Me- Exits the other way.."

Sasuke- Hn.

*goes the other way*


PI finally found out how to change the letters to a different font! I'm so stupid it was there the whole time XD

But I don't know how to change it back ! DX

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