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The whole time they keep switching POVs sorry about that, and enjoy (:

Naruto's POV -

As I carried Hinata to my apartment I made up a plan in my head. Plan 'G' for girlfriend! My plan was simple,

1-Make her Ramen


3-I have a GIRLFRIEND!

Simple! But sadly, plans never work out.

I'm such an idiot for not confessing earlier.. I hope she does remember me.. This memory thing is killing me inside, if only she knew..

Hinata's POV-

Will father be mad for me being out so late? But I did tell him I was going on a date with Kiro-Kun today.. Maybe he'll be okay with this right?

I started shaking because of how cold it was getting. I was about to sleep when I felt Naruto-Kun come to a halt. I looked around and saw his apartment. His apartment. Something in my heart burst open knowing where he lives.. But why?

As soon as Naruto-Kun opened the door, stepped inside, and closed the door he finally put me down. I looked around. I didn't expect Naruto to live like this.. It was a mess.. Ramen bowls and cups were everywhere.. I looked more around to see dirty piles of clothes. Suddenly, I felt warm hands on my eyes, shutting them so I wouldn't see anymore.

"Sorry! Fuck.." I heard Naruto-Kun say as he made me walk somewhere. I began to feel chilly again, I was outside. He finally let go of my eyes running back inside his apartment with a quick, "Sorry Hinata-chan! " followed by another, "Fuck.." And he rushed inside.

It was in the middle of winter and I'm surprised it wasn't snowing yet.. I looked up at the sky, it was really clear but really cold. I saw Kiro in the distance talking with Ino and something in me gave me a shock. I noticed I had been sniffing a lot. Oh no.. I'm getting a cold..

I was about to head towards Kiro and Ino when Naruto finally opened the door.

Kiro's POV-

I was walking towards my temporary home when I bumped into Ino.

"Kiro-Kun! W-what a coincidence bumping into you.." I felt her nudging closer to me and I didn't want that so I put my hands up saying, "Um.. I have to meet up with someone right now.. Sorry.. " but lucky for me Ino pulled me before I could leave.

Naruto's POV-

I tried my best to clean up I couldn't get it perfect, but it's somewhat better..

I ran to the door and saw Hinata shaking with a bright red nose.

"Hinata-chan!" I said going quickly towards her and pulling her inside. I felt bad.. did I leave her out there for a while!? But for me it seems like 5 minutes! Idiot! 5 minutes is still a lot!

I sat her down on the couch and went to the kitchen for the ramen that I had already prepared. I grabbed it fast and went running to Hinata.

"Sorry Hinata-chan! So---AHHH!" I tripped over the dirty pile of clothes and the bowls went flying towards Hinata. I fell flat on my face and I painfully looked up to see a shocked Hinata with her still shaking wet and covered with noodles.

I quickly got up, grabbed a sponge, and went to her cleaning her face gently. I cleaned her so delicately.. Like it was glass. The whole time I felt myself blushing become stronger and stronger. "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." I repeated while still cleaning her. 'Sorry' seemed to be my favorite word today..

I felt her grab my hand and I looked up to her smiling gently at me. I blushed a little, she looked so innocent.. "I-it's okay-y Naruto-K-Kun I'm going-g t-to head-d home n-now." She was still shivering.

Her stuttering like this reminded me of the old Hinata . She got up slowly and I couldn't stop the urge so I grabbed her wrist. "Wait.. Please.." I got up still not letting go of her wrist.

This whole night had been a disaster, and she still hadn't eaten. "This whole night Is a disaster, please, stay a little longer you still haven't ate." I spoke my thoughts.

Hinata's POV-

His eyes looked so pleading and my stomach was still growling so I gave in.

"O-okay." I said still shaking a little.

"Thanks." I heard him say but I noticed his head was inching towards mine. I widened my eyes, is he going to kiss me?! Then I felt his forehead protecter on my plain forehead.

I felt his breath on my face. "Hinata.. " he breathed, " I'll just come out and say this.. I don't know why, but seeing you with Kiro made me angry and jealous. I didn't want to accept those feelings and I don't know why.. Maybe because I always thought I liked Sakura-chan but now I know I don't. It was just a crush. I now know.. That, your the one I really like. And I'm such an idiot for not saying this earlier, I'm so sorry, I should've said something when you confessed to me in the Pain fight.. And now..," He breathed, I could tell he was holding in.. Tears? , " And now, you have small memory loss.. So you don't really remember me well, but I'm Naruto y'know? The knucklehead. Hehe.. But the point is, I don't like seeing you with Kiro.. I just want you to be.. Mine.."

I felt Naruto breathe again but this time, like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. Something in me was jumping up and down screaming 'KYAAAA!'And the other half was saying 'Kiro-Kun..'


Okay, okay, lay your guns down. Before you shoot me,

remember Hinata thinks of Kiro of how she used to think of Naruto ?

So technically, she 'loves' him. (Somewhat)

Umm, 3k! Unbelievable! OMG! That's ... Incredible. A start right? Thanks guys! Thanks (:

Sorry for the wait, had life stuff going on..

I tried so hard on this chapter like you should've seen how much I revised.. Eh, it's still not how I imagined but nobody's perfect so yeeyayyy.

Well, I guess this books almost ending? Not sure, I'm writing as I go xD

It's cause, I don't want this to be the end of Kiro.. Lol

I dunno, we'll find out..

Well, thanks! And till next time (:

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