The Plan Backfires.

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Naruto's POV

That wasn't supposed to happen..

"You sure Misa? I mean you must be pretty tired. I can carry her." I said convincingly.

"No, you already did. It's my turn." She said lifting Hinata up.

Misa's POV

Hehe.. Naruto's getting jealous.. So he does have feelings for her after all. I looked at Hinata and she was blushing badly. Serves him right for not noticing her earlier, hmph.

Naruto's POV

Soon enough Hinata was on her back and breather on her neck. It was supposed to be mine. Every five minutes I would ask Misa if she was tired or not. She always replied a no which kinda ticked me off because I wanted to carry her and I couldn't put my finger on why I wanted to.

Misa was strong.. She wasn't slowing down at all. Not that I'd blame her.. Hinata wasn't really heavy at all. According to Hinata we were almost there. And she was wr---ight!

Only a few more trees and we would be walking in the sand. After we started walking on foot for about 3o minutes, I could see The Sand Village. Temari was backed up against the wall blowing air to her face from a small fan she had.

"TEMARI!" I yelled. She turned and looked annoyed. "What! Oh! Misa!" And she ran up to her totally ignoring me. We've known eachother for longer ! But she was going to be her student.

"What happened to Hinata!?" Temari had a somewhat worried expression. "She's fine Temari-Sama! She just doesn't feel good." Misa responded before me.

"Let's get her to a medical ninja." Temari said walking off leading us the way. I looked around looking for Gaara. Even though he's the KazeKage he could be in the Village like a normal Ninja.

"Aha. Naruto, Gaara's in his office waiting for you. Well take Hinata you can go." I turned to see Temari. I wanted to go but I also wanted to see Hinata. But I don't always we Gaara.. I finally made up my choice to go see Gaara then come back to see Hinata. "Okay." And I walked off the his office.

Once I got there we greeted and laughed. I was his first friend after all. Even though he was a former Jinchuriki we still had slot in common.. Mostly.. The pain.

"Well it's about time I leave Gaara!" I said with both my hand behind my head.

"You don't want to stay? I heard your friend needs to go get checked out." He said.

"No, it wasn't a real bad injury she'll be fine, Dattebayo!" I said laughing.

He started laughing With me. "Okay but tell me if you change your mind."

I nodded and left.

I was walking to the hospital when I saw Hinata talking to a guy who didn't look that bad.. Something in me didn't like it at all. She started blushing and I started walking to her.

Hinata's POV

The nurses told me I had nothing bad. I might just not remember some things they'd come back in no time. Not any memory loss.

When I went up to check out a guy approached me about my age.

"Hello there." I jumped and looked at him.

"Hi" I said with a closed eyed smile.

"So what are you doing here? A Kunoichi from Konoha."

"Oh. W-we just came f-from a mission-n." I said signing papers.

"Are you leaving today?" He asked looking at my papers.

"Y-yes. I think-k we are." I gave the papers to a lady.

"Before you go, can take you somewhere to eat.. Hinata-chan?"

I blushed from the -chan and his offer.

"U-umm.. I-I don't.." I didn't get to finish because he laid his hands on mine. Wich made me blush even more.

"Hinata!" I turned around and saw Naruto-Kun. He's so close..

"N-nothing!" I said taking away my hands from his.

"Is he bothering you?" Naruto said looking at the guy with a death glare.

"N-no N-Naruto-Kun" I said smiling with a blush.

"Okay--" he said turning to look at me. "---Do you wanna rest the night or leave?--" he turned back at the guy.

Naruto's POV

"W-we can g-go if you want-t." She replied.

"Okay. Let's go then" and I grabbed her hand and walked away.

Her fevers coming back..

"So the lady just checked out and your forcing her to leave already!? What a man.."

I turned and saw the guy with his arms crossed. His brown hair was a bit grown but I had to admit, it didn't look too bad. Why am I complementing him!?

"No! She wanted to!" I said letting go of her hand.

"Looks to me like she could use a night to rest. " he said obviously testing me.

"Hinata do you want to stay?" I said looking at her. She looked down and looked like she was about to respond but then "Hinata-chan. You want to stay right? I'll treat you you must me hungry. My names Kiro by that way " he said walking towards her.

She started playing with her fingers. "Hinata?" I said a little disappointed.

"If you wanna stay I'm okay with it." She looked at me and said, "E-either w-ways fine-e N-Naruto-Kun."

"Thats just Hinata-chan's way of saying she would rather stay one night." He said. Smirking and walking more towards Hinata.

"SHUTUP! You know nothing about her!!" I got in front of Hinata, blocking his way.

"Well I know enough to know Hinata-chan would rather stay." He said backing away one step.

My eye twitched. Why did he have to put the -chan I should be doing that! What am I saying.. "Hinata If we stay we have to go report to Baa-Chan." I said looking at her.

"B-but.. I-it's fine e-either way." She said still playing with her fingers.

"Sakura-Chan needs to see that weird fever you have we should head back. Unless you don't feel good.." She looked down.

"Idiot! Why do you care so much about her if you don't even put a -chan after her name! And have you ever thought about how hungry she might be !? Maybe you already ate when you left her here alone but she hasn't ate at all!!" I turned and looked at Kiro, I was angry but he was right. I had already eaten with Gaara and I haven't thought about Hinata...

Hinata's fever was really bad by now. "Hinata.. Let's go eat." I said grabbing her hand and walking away.

"You already ate.. I'll take her." Kiro's voice again..

"I'm always hungry." I turned to look at him.

"I'll treat you guys." Why is he being like this!? Hinata lives in Konoha!


I don't know what I just did,

But Naruto's Jealous *wink wink*

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