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"I cant wait for tomorrow." Jaden exclaims as she sprawls across my bed nearly knocking me off. She just giggles and curls into a little ball hugging her knees as a depressing song came on. She tends to do this a lot.

We were currently listening to Leaving Minnesota by Saint Asonia. And i know that i left all them behind but i cant help but listen to his music every so often. Besides my friends all love the music.

"Why? Its only a concert and nothing more." Jayden sprouts up from her position on the bed and pounces on me.

"What do you mean nothing more!?!?" She screamed at me before violently tickling me. I was laughing uncontrollably. After she stopped she sat right next to me.

"We are going to see them back stage. Plus they are one amazing band." She layed down once more looking at the ceiling. Sometimes i wonder if her mind grew up as well or if its stuck in teenager mode.

"Ok maybe your right but thats tomorrow and im bored today." Its like 12 in the afternoon and all we have been doing is laying on my bed and listening to my Three Days Grace playlist.

"Well there isn't gonna be anything to do today. Everyone is either working or out doing something. There's nothing to do anyways." Jayden groaned in annoyance. All of a sudden my mind clicks and images of that guy came flashing in my head.

"Hey what about that guy that gave you those tickets. We can hang out with him today." It seems that Jayden read my Mind.

We both got up and dressed to go see Shaun? I think thats his name. Or was it Shane? Oh well.

We arrived at the mall to see if he worked today and maybe pay him a visit. So we walked into Hot Topic and walked over to the check out station. There was that same green haired boy from yesterday.

"Hey Jess. What brings you here today?" Shaun or Shane says. He looks over at Jayden who is giving him goo goo eyes. I bet this is the guy she has a crush on.

"Nothing. We were bored and thought that we come visit you and our friends at work." He looked over at Jayden and smiled. I ship then so bad.

"Oh. Well while your here you can gey somethings. Its on me." He winked at Jayden and her face turned hot red. They are so cute i swear.

"Hey your name was Shaun right?" My mind was still very confused. He chuckled.

"Its Shane. But nice try though. Most people call me Wayne." I mentally slapped myself. How can i forget a name as easy as Shane.

"Sorry. I guess i still have side effects of amnesia." I kinda mutter but both of them give me a confused and dirty look. I wasn't supposed to say that out loud damn it.

I just pretend that nothing happened and walk over to all the band shirts. Hot topic has way more band stuff then we do. I browse through all the band shirts when i come across a Three Days Grace shirt. I stand there and stare at it as so many memories come back. Memories i dont wanna remember.

"Hey" Jayden puts her hand on my shoulder zoning me out of my thoughts. "Are you ok?" She seemed really caring almost like she can sense my depression.

"What? Yeah. Yeah im fine. Im gonna get this shirt." I say, picking up the Three Days Grace shirt. I know its gonna bring back so many memories but i dont care at this point. It was 16 years ago.

I brought it up to Shane as Jayden brings up her pierce the veil shirt. Shane takes the shirts and examines them.

"Three Days Grace huh. You like them?" Shane looks at me with a smile. Jayden just gives me a confused look.

"I thought you said you didnt." Yes we listen to Three Days Grace a lot but i tell her i dont like it. I just learn to just listen to it.

"Uh yeah. I do. Just brings back old memories thats all." She gives me a small smile before turning her attention back to Shane.

"Wow. I like them too. You know ive actually met Adam before. At the time he had a girlfriend named Eve with him. They were both nice." My whole body tensed up. If he notices who i am my whole life is over.

The next couple minutes went by so slowly. It felt like hours watching him scan the shirts then tag the tag off. Then putting them into a bag. As soon as he gave us the bag i nearly pushed Jayden out the store and to the car.

"Jeesh Jess. We didn't have to run here. Whats your problem? As soon as he mentioned Adam and Eve you sorta tensed up and zoned out for awhile." I didn't say a word. Just started the car and drove home.

As soon as we got home i rushed to my room and locked the door before i broke down in tears.

I know i said i was tired of them but truth is, i miss them. It hurt seeing them so devastated. If i ever saw them today my whole life would come crashing down.

I stood up wiping all the tears away. "I have to stay strong. I've left behind that life. This is me now." I said over and over till i eventually fell asleep. I hope today would help all these thoughts go away.


Ha she thought. Hope you liked that. Make sure to vote and I'll keep it going.

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