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"Come on. I wanna go already." Silvia yelled at me as i was now getting on my shirt. I decided to wear the Three Days Grace shirt I got yesterday. I slipped on my V.I.P. pass and headed down to met the others.

"Finally! You took like 10 years in there!" Mason brags. He wore all black. I cant blame him. We all did.

"Yeah yeah. What ever. Lets just get in the car and go already." As much as i was excited for this concert i had a horrible feeling about it.

We all hopped in the car and headed down town to the venue. We were laughing and singing along in the car, having the time of our lives.

When we arrived we saw tons of people lined up outside. I guess we arrived early. We found a parking spot like 20 minutes away from the venue so by the time we got to the building the concert was starting.

"Its loud in here!" Logan yells with his deep masculine voice. I'd agree with that.

"Hey guys we are Black Veil Brides and this is the Rebel Love Song." The man on the stage yelled into the microphone. He hair long hair and make up on.


"Hey! How many of you mother fuckers know who we are!" A girl screams into the mic. I dont know but something about her voice makes me feel so weird inside. Suddenly i have a really bad feeling about this.

As the crowd raises their hand she screams into the mic again. "Im Lilly of The Dead Men Marching and our first song will be a cover. So heres Animal Ive Become." Then they go into the song. Eventually before i know it they are done with their set and Jayden is Dragging me backstage.

"Jayden no." I said trying to pull back. I cant go back there. Something is telling me i shouldn't. She gives me a confused look.

"Whats wrong? Dont you wanna meet the band?" She let go of my hand and put one on my shoulder.

"I cant go back there. Im nervous." That was all i could say. I couldn't tell her my real feelings inside.

"Oh come on. It wont be bad. Trust me. Ill be here to warm you up. I always have." She ensured me. I smiled knowing well that she was right she always was.

We approached the acquired area for the meet and greet. I kept telling myself that everything was gonna be ok. Then Jayden knocked on the door.

"I'll get it." A fimillar deep voice said behind the door. Although i couldn't quite put my finger on it. The door open and i swear my heart stopped. I couldn't move. I couldnt breath. I was paralyzed in my own fear of losing it all.

"Hey. Im Jayden and this is my friend Jess. We have V.I.P. passes."  He have he a stare almost like he's trying to figure out who i am. I just stare at the ground.

"Oh right. Come on in." But i can't. I can't move. Im about to walk in on a life ive left behind. Jayden takes a hold of my hand and drags me in the room. We sit on a couch in front of all the band members of both bands.

"Hey guys. I'm Jayden and this is my friend Jess." We both waved. The bands give us a cold hard stare trying to figure us out. Today was a bad day to wear my Three Days Grace shirt.

"Oh well hello. Im Jake. This is Jinxx, Ashley and CC." I shook each one of their hands and so did Jayden.

"Im Andy Biersack." He was the main singer for the band. The one i saw on stage.

"Im Micheal. This is Jerome and Brandon." They shook our hands. I looked at the girl. She looked a lot like me. It seems as if all my fear has gone away looking at her. She was beautiful.

"And im Lilly. The Lilly Gontier. Thats my dad over there." I froze once again. This was my daughter. The little girl that watched me die. I wanted to cry but i couldnt let them know.

"Thats cool. What about your mother? What happened to her?" No no no. Jayden. Why? You can feel the tension in the room.

"My mother died when i was young." She didn't even seem sad about me.

"Why dont you tell us about yourself." Adam says. I think he caught on. He might know who i am. I need to get out of here fast.

"Yeah you go first Jess. We wanna know about you." Andy says. I couldn't speak. If i spoke they would know who i am. I just sat there, wondering what to do.

"Shes a little shy." She nudges me. "Come on Jess go tell them." I sighed. They were gonna learn one day or another.

"Hi. Im Jessica Malone. I come from Minnesota, i like rock music and i have a big family." I could see Lillys eyes grow big as she realizes who she is talking too. Adam as well. They know the name Jessica Malone. My life as i know it is gone.

"It.....its you." Lilly whispers, a tear falling down her cheek. Her goes the sad part.

Y'all i felt all the emotion she was feeling when writing this. Like i was shaking and my stomach felt weird. But anyway hope you like it I'll update next week.

Why Did You Do This? Book 5 To Back In The PastTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang