Twenty- One

16 2 5

Eve's pov

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. I jumped so high i fell out of bed, hitting my head the the nightstand.

After the call with Adam i got up or at least tried. I fell out of my bed and on the way down i whacked my head against the nightstand. (Book 2 chapter- As If)

I smacked right on the scar from the last time i hit my head. Blood started to drip down my forhead. I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom. Holding onto my head. I quickly grabbed some things to mend the wound and wrap it up to go to work.

It was just me going into work today so this should be fun. (Not) I got dressed and headed to work with pain searing through my head.

Once i arrived at the mall, instead of going straight to Spencer's, i went over to Hot Topic to see if i can talk to Shane. I dont even know if hes working today.

Once i walked in the all so familiar emo store, i noticed Shane and his dyed green hair. It wasnt a bad dye job but ive seen better in my days. He noticed me as i walked past the wall of Pop! Figures.

"Hey! Your back from vacation! And what happend to your head?" He said excited like ive been gone for a year. I nodded my head and leaned against the counter he was at.

"Yeah. I smacked it on the nightstand this morning. The boss wasnt thrilled that we were gone for so long. Im gonna quit soon anyway." His eyes saddened and its like he didnt want me to leave at all. He looked into my eyes, hopefully answering all his questions he had in his head.

"Why are you quiting? What happened during your vacation?" At that moment i had a battle in my head. I didnt know if i should tell him the truth on who i am. I barely know the guy even though ive seen him like everyday for the past couple years.

"" I was speechless. I couldnt think of what to say. So i had to say the truth. "That Dead Men Marching concert we all went to before vacation, something happened back stage." He looked worried, scared more than less. He opened his mouth the speak but Nothing came out. It took a couple minutes for him to say his words.

"What happened?" I looked down at the counter, then looking back up the Shane as i sat on the counter, legs on the inside facing him. I took a deep breath and let it out. Making it sound like a sigh.

"I found out who The Dead Men Marching was." He laughed thinking i was joking, but once he saw i was serious he stopped.

"How does that mean something happened?" I didnt want to tell the story anymore. Or tell the guy who i was. But its time to change.

"Shane. Theres something you don't know about me. Something a lot of people dont know about me." He was confused. And i would too if i were in his shoes. He must br thinking why i am telling him this information. I wonder the same thing.

"Go on?" I sighed. Its now or never.

"My name isnt actually Jess or Jessica. My name is actually Evelyn or Eve for short. Lilly Nullings or Gontier is actually my daughter. And technically im dead." His face lit up. He was about to burst, he was about to scream.

"Oh my god! Yo.... You...your the Eve? This is gold!" I mentally slapped myself. I knew he was gonna act like this when i told him.

"Calm down!" He calmed down and looked at me with a look of sorry. "So on vacation i revisited all my family and friends and the boys. It was really fun and kinda sad. I got punched in the face multiple times. Once by my brother and another from a friend. But the worst part of vacation was Adam."

Shane looked angry. Like he wanted to murder a guy. Probably Adam cause i want to as well. But after a couple minutes he was confused. He had more questions begging to be answered.

"You wanna know how im not dead?" He nodded. "You wanna know why Adam was acting like an ass?" He nodded again. I sighed then looked at the time. I have to get to work before the mall opens. "Look. I have to get to work. What do you say after work or something we go and wat or something and I'll tell you more?" Shane smiled and nodded his head.

"Ill see you after work." He said before i dashed out the door and upstairs the Spencer's. This is gonna be a long day at work.


Lillys pov

"What do you mean she's gone?!" Me and my dad screamed at Mikey. He looked down and sighed before looking back at us.

"She left back home to work. She said its only temporary and she'll be back soon." I wanted to hit him. I love my uncle but sometimes i want to hit him so much. I was even more mad at my mother. I can tell dad was too.

She said that she would stay. She said that she was with us. But then she leaves. Im so mad right now.

"Come on Lilly. We have her number. Lets just go back home and call her." I was still mad but i still went with him. I guess he wasn't as mad as i was.

Once we arrived back home we dialed her number and let it ring. It rang and rang for a couple minutes before playing the voicemail. I was kinda disappointed but Mikey did say she went back to work.

"Shes probably at work. She'll call back. Im sure of it." Only i wasnt sure she would call back. Deep inside i knew that she wouldnt call back. I had a feeling my mother left for good again.



Hey guys. Sorry its been a long time. Ive been going through stuff. Im back and will be working with my books the best i can so stay tuned.

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