
14 2 5

The next morning i woke up and got my self dressed and ready. The boys wanted to have brunch with me with the others wanted to hang out with my gang.  We all decided to call my gang or group of friends the next generation or topics so we dont get confused.

After they left to hang out with Kylie and them i got my self showered and ready to meet the boys. They said they wanted to talk and they have something for me so i was excited. Once i got my shoes on i ran out the door and made my way to the cafe they wanted to hsve brunch at.

Adams pov

Eve had some nerve showing up to Lilly's concert. What was she thinking walking back into our lives prerending nothing happend. That hurt me. When she died i didnt know what to do with myself. I was so distraught over Eve's death that i couldnt even look at Lilly. She was merly a slit image of her. She looked just like my beloved wife.

After some years i learned to live with it and get back into my daughters life cause she was all i had left of Eve. Now that i found out that she is alive, i am more than pissed at her. I don't even want to look at her nor can i forgive her. She faked her death and left behind the love of her life. I just can't even explain what i am thinking.

My phone went off in the distance bringing me out of my murderous thoughts. I ran over to it and picked it up before the ringing stopped. I didnt even get a chance to see who was calling.

"Hello? Adam speaking." I answered trying to sound as calm as i can.

"Adam! Hey!" I heard a fimailar voice on the end. Immediately a smile rose to my face and i forgot all about why i was pissed.

"Hey Brad, whats up?" Its rare that Brad or any of the other guys call me anymore. We normally just see eachother at concerts or at a family outing or something along those lines.

"Well me and the guys are heading to brunch and we wanted to know if you wanted to join us. We can talk and catch up with each other." I smiled wide. A day with my old buddies will surly make my mind free of anger and chaos.

"I would love to." He told me where it was at and i headed over there. This is gonna be fun.

Eve's pov

Once i arrived i walked in and spotted the guys in the far corner by the window. I walked up to them and waved.

"Hey guys!" They looked at me in excitement and they each gave me a hug.

"Im so glad you can come. Please sit." Brad said, standing up to let me in the booth. I scooted in the booth by Neil and brad came and sat next to me. This felt all to fimilar from so many years ago. Back when me and the guys used to hang out. Thats when Adam was in the band still.

"How are you doing today Eve?" Neil asked, giving me a smirk. Neil is always the perverted one.

"Im doing good actually." I smiled and took a sip of his water. He didn't seem to mind.

"So everything is good between you and Lilly?" Matt asked looking out the window, not even once looking towards me.

"Yeah. Shes not mad. Shes just glad im back and im staying in her life." They smiled and Brad patted me on the back.

"That's good. Glad your staying." Barry said sounding more excited than ive ever heard them in my life.

The waitress came over, interrupting our talk and took our orders. I ordered a stack of blueberry pancakes and a nice hot coffee.

After we ordered i remembered that they had something for me. Only i dont see a gift or a card or anything. I wonder what it is.

"So what were you gonna give me today?" They all looked at me with saddend faces with a hint of excitment. What ever it is i hope its not anything bad.

"Dont worry, it will be here soon." Matt said sounding a little worried as he just smiled to hide it.

As the food arrived the bell above the door jingled and Barry looked up and smiled. "There it is." I couldnt see what it was or more like who till he appeared at the table. I nearly went white ad i sunk down, trying not to get seen by him.

"Hey guys! Nice to see you again." He said all cheerfully with a smile, and then he layed on me. The look he gave me made it clear that i was dead right there. Oh i can only imagine how this is gonna go.

"What is she doing here?" He said through gritted teeth as he gave Brad an evil look. Brad swallowed hard and sunk down in his seat a little.

"Adam calm down. We invited her so you two can talk." Barry said calmly. At that he started to walk away but Barry grabbed him. "If you don't want to talk to her then at least stay and enjoy breakfeast with us." He looked over at me with a look of anger and disgust. It saddened me to see Adam act so harsh to me but i deserved it.

"Fine!" He said and sat next to Barry. I swallowed hard. I didn't want to be here if he was gonna act like this. The wairtess came over with our order and took Adam's. He seemed so calm and nice to her. Even flirting with her. But when he talked to us it was just anger.

"So Eve, tell us about your friends. How'd you meet?" Neil asked with an evil smirk. He was just trying to get Adam even angrier. I kicked him under the table and cleared my throat.

"I... I uh..." I was so nervous and scared. I looked at Adam who was just giving me the most evilest look ive ever seen. Eviler than my father. "Well i uh, i moved to Texas and i got a job at spencers and i started becoming friends with Jayden and she introduced me to the others and we just became good friends. They are really nice." I swallowed my last gulp of coffee getting ready for Adam to yell at me.

"They are nice. I talked to some of them last night." Matt said remembering the events of last night. That just seemed to piss Adam off more.

"Yeah. So great that you had to leave us for them!" Adam said through gritted teeth. I was starting to feel nausous and scared. I dont know how long i could sit there anymore.

"Well clearly that was a mistake and i regret it. Seeing as how you turned out." I said to Adam. He stared at me with such a hatefull look.

"Maybe you shouldnt of left in the first place!" He huffed and looked away. "Your the one who faked thier death to get away from us." I was starting to get real pissed. Nonw of the guys dared to even intervine with us.

"It wasnt like that! Not even close!" Adam gave me a confused look as i just looked away. Everyone in the cafe was just staring over at our booth, trying to see what all the yelling was about.

"Yeah what ever. You still left and didnt even give a damn about us till Lilly's concert." He said crossing his arms like he won the argument. I looked to the guys for help but they just sat there.

"None of you know. None of you know the true reason why i left. Why i never even talked to you after i woke up. And if you want to be a complete ass about it then fuck you." I said pushing Brad out the booth so i could get up and leave.

I stromed out the place, not even saying a word to the rest and not finishing my food. I cant belive him right now. Why cant he be happy im back like everyone else? Why did that dumb doctor tell them i died?

I headed back to the hotel with tears in my eyes. I cant belive i still love him.


Hey guys. Heres another chapter. I didnt know how i wanted it to go but this is good. Things are starting to go down. Will Adam ever forgive eve?  Stay tuned.

Why Did You Do This? Book 5 To Back In The PastNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ