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The next day i just layed in bed, crying my eyes out. Everyone in the house was worrying about me. I couldn't bear to tell them about what happened.

All these years my daughter grew up all by herself. No one there but Johnnie. I just wanted to go to her. I wanted to hold her, apologize to her. But i knew i couldnt. She hates me for what I've done.

Once again i hear a knock on the door. They have been knocking all day, wondering what was wrong with me. "GO AWAY!" I yelled loud enough to hear them over my cries.

"Its Jayden. We need to talk." I layed there, crying, not saying a word. "Come on Jess open up please." I sighed before finally getting up to unlock the door. I opened it to see just Jayden there. None of the other room mates stood at the door. I was kinda relived.

As soon as Jayden gace me a big hard glance she gave me a tight hug. Honestly i was needing that. Ive felt alone just laying in bed when all i wanted was a hug from my daughter. Granted Jayden isnt my daughter but a hug is a hug.

"Come on girl. You need to talk about this." I nodded my head as i guided her in my room, closing the door. We sat on my bed facing each other, what we usally do when we are talking like high school girls.

"So. Why have you been coped up in here all day? What happened?" I sighed. Im about to tell her my whole life story. Ice never thought i would have to relive my old life that i wanted to leave behind. But now that whats his face and my daughter know im alive well its not going ti be easy. Hell i cant even say her name.

"I dont know where to start. Theres a whole lot of shit." I was about to break down again. I wanted to just sit there and cry with Jayden but i feel like ive lied to them long enough.

"Just start where it all began. Or how you know Adam and Lilly." I shuddered, hearing their names. Jayden must of took note of that because she gave me an apologizing look.

"Its alright." I sighed, letting a tear run down my face. "A-" I swallowed a lump in my throat before continuing. "Adam was my husband and L... She was my daughter." I couldnt say it. I just cant.

Jayden seemed shocked but yet confused. "How? Adam is like 56. And Lilly is like 16. Your only 26." She tried to do the math in her head but was confused from all of it.

"Im not 26. Im 53." Jayden wanted to know more so before she can ask another question i cut in.

"And my name really isnt Jessica Malone. Its Evelyn Nullings. Everyone calls me Eve." Jayden gasped and held a hand to her heart.

"Your the Eve that was so famous back then. Your name was all over. Sp many people were sad about your death. But it seems that your not dead at all. What? How i..." She mumbled to herself trying to figure it all out.

"Yes i got shot. By my crazy ass dad. And yes i technically died. Everyone thinks im dead and thats the way i want it to be." I crossed my arms. I wasmt getting annoyed or mad i just.  I don't know.

"But why. You had a good family and sibling and you had tons of friends. Why would you want to just leave that all behind?" I sighed once more.

"I felt like i needed to go out in the world. I felt like i was being held back from my life and excitement. Sure i was happy but i didn't want to be Evelyn Nullings anymore. The girl who was famous for marrying and having a kid with Adam. And being friends with three days grace. I was just over it. I couldnt take any of that anymore. So i saw an opportunity to start my life over and i took it." Jayden just looked at me, emotionless. Sure i didnt quite tell this to Adam and her when i was there but i at least told them some.

"Wow. I can understand why you did it now. But why have you been crying in your room all day?" Ah yes. The question everyone has been asking. I sighed. This time deeply letting all the emotions out in one blow.

"I was sad, mad at my self. I let my daughter grow up with no one there for her. She grew up on the streets with no home. Only one person really cared for her and thats cause i told him to watch out for her." She nodded, understanding me. Im glad that I have Jayden. I know that she would never let me down and we would always have each others backs.

"Oh. Well i hope this will all be over. I hope you make the right choices. Cause im going to be honest with you that was kinda dumb." I chuckled a little and nodded my head.

"Yeah i know. Listen, we can just leave this be. I dont want this to ruin my life. Im young and still have a lot to live for." Jayden gave me a big smile.

"Thats the spirt girl." She pulled me in for a hug which i gradually took. "Now why dont you get some rest. We have work tomomrrow. One more day till we go on vaction, remember?" I smiled and nodded my head so fast it almost gave me a head ache. She gave me one last hug before heading to the door. Right before she left she stopped and turned around.

"Oh and Jess?" I looked up at her, waiting for her to continue. "What do you want me to tell the others? They have been worried about you all day."

"Just tell them the truth. They deserve to know." And with that she was out the door.

For the rest of the night i selpt for our last day of work before vacation.



Ya boi is back. Im sorry updates took so long if you read my random book you'll know why. Also i had writers block for this book but im back. Stay tuned for Eve's life.

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