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"Be careful you two!" Madison called out before we shut the hotel room door. Me and Jayden headed out to the car, ready for our adventure today around Minnesota. The place where all my memories live.

Once on the road in which Jayden was driving, she had no clue where we were going. I gave her the adress to Neil's house. Its about time i give them a visit.

"So who's adress did you give me?" Jayden caually asked. I gave her a smirk and said nothing as she drove on. "Fine be that way." She reacged for the radio and turned up. Animal I've become was blasting as we made our way to Neil's house.

Once we arrived at Neils massive house i looked over at Jayden, eyes as big as the moon.

"So do you like it?" I smirked remembering the first time i saw the 3dg mansion.

"Are you kidding me!?!? This place is massive!" She quickly parked the car and hopped out, tripping over her own two feet. Unfourtally she caught her self before she fell.

"I hope they remember me." I said as we headed up to the door. I looked over at Jayden before i rang the door bell. She seemed so excited although she didn't even know who we were seeing.

After what seemed like forever the door finally opened revaling a tall blond woman.

"Can i help you two?" She said in a snobby attitude. If this is the kinda girls they hang out with now im disappointed.

"Hi... Um, is Neil home by any chance?" She gave me a disgusted look then looked at Jayden with a smile. Almost as if she was thinking of something evil. As soon as she looked back at me she was back at it with the nasty look.

"Im sorry sweetie. Neils not home. And im pretty surr he dosent wanna see a snobby little fan girl at his house either." Her rude attitude and snobby little mouth pissed me off.

"Listen here you bitch." She looked shocked. "I know Neil's he...." Before i could finished i got cut off.

"Tiffiny whos at the door." Neil came up behind the blonde bitch and looked at me and Jayden. I looked over to Jayden who looked like she had no fucking clue was going on.

"Who are you two laddies?" I looked back to Neil and as soon as he studied my face he seemed shocked.

"Eve?" I smiled and nodded my head. Neil shoved past Tiffiny who gave him a hurt look and he ran to hug me. He embraced me in a tight hug and took my face in his hands.

"Oh my god its been so long! We all thought you were dead. You must explain to us!" He spoke so fast it was hard to make out what he said.

"Ok. Ok. Nice to see you to Neil. We came by to talk to you guys anyway." He looked confused then looked over to Jayden who was trying to hide behind me. Neil smiled and let go of me.

"Why hello there. You must be Eve's friend. Im assuming you know me?" He held out his hand for her in which she gradually took.

"Im Jayden. Jess' bestfriend." They both smiled at each other. They look cite together as a couple but that would never happen. Hes my age.

"Well why dont we go inside. Im sure the others would be glad to see you." We walked in not even bothering to look at Tiffiny. Neil guided us through till he stopped at the end of a hall way and told us to wait here. He hoped out of the hallway and in the door way.

"Guys! Listen up!" He paused for a minute till all the ruckus was gone. "Now feast your eyes on the one. The only. Eve!" I hoped right next to Neil and so did Jayden and in an instant all the guys were dog piling me with hugs.

"What the fuck Eve!" Matt yelled at me. I couldn't help but laugh. Jayden did too. All the guys looked at her with confusion and wanting answers.

"Hi im Jayden." She waved and they all waved back. Then they turned back to me asking a bunch of questions it was hard to answer them all.

"Guys!!!" They fell silent and coward down knowing full well what i can do to them. "One at a time sheesh. Lets all sit down and talk." They sat on the various chairs and couches they had spread out in the living room.

"So we will go in order. Brad you first." He nodded his blonde head of his.

"How the fuck are you alive man?" I almost forgot that Brad almost sounds high sometimes.

"I never really died guys. I faked my death and before any of you ask anymore questions about why im gonna answer them for you. I faked my death Becasue really i wasnt happy. I was tired running around and everything. So i faked my death to start over. It worked and i moved to Texas and have been living there for about 14 years." They looked dissapointed in me.

"So let me get this straight. You left your loving husband, your daughter and all your friends to have a new life?" Barry asked with a hint of dissapointment in his voice. All i could do is nodd. There was nothing but silence after that.

"Does Adam know?" Matt said not looking up from the ground.

"Yes. We ran into them at Lilly's show." They looked up with pure confusion.

"Lilly's in a band?" Brad asked. Wow i guess everyone did leave her.

"Yeah. Its called the Dead Men Marching. And shes dating Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides." I smiled. Shes grown up into a strong independant woman.

"Wow shes got ger self togther glad ti here that." Now this time im the one confused.

"What was going on with Lilly?" I guess Jayden read my mind.

"You guys didn't know?" I shook my head and Neil sighed. After all he did take care of her.

"Lilly, well she hasnt had it easy all her life. Adam left, so depressed about you. So Michelle and Mikey watched her. Well Mikey left and went to live in Hong Kong and Lilly refused to live in the house. So we took her in. Eventually we went back on tour and she lived in the streets. Johnny took care of her. She went through foster home after foster home but she was just a bad kid. Bullied at school. Always got into fights. I guess she got her life in order." Neil explained. At that momemt i felt disappointed and sorry for what ive done to my daughter.

"Im really sorry guys. Im so dumb i left." They all got up to hug me as i started to cry. Jayden was the first.

"Its ok. Your here now and thats all that matters." Brad said stroking my hair.

After hugging and i was calm we played some video games and had the time of our lives like the old days. Eventually we left to go vist other people and they all gave me thier numbers so i can hang out with them again.



Wow its been exactly a month since ive uploaded. Ive been so busy with school and trying to get my mental health back on track. Im finally getting better and enjoy thos long chapter.

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