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Adams pov

"None of you know. None of you know the ture reason why i left. Why i never even talked to you after i woke up. And if you want to be a complete ass about it then fuck you." Eve said before getting up and storming out the place.

"Why i never talked to you after i woke up"

What did she mean by that? Did she mean faking her death? Or the time she went into a coma for 15 years? It confused me so much but i cant even think about Eve without being pissed.

14 years for this? How could she leave me for 14 years? Does she still love me? Did she find love with another man? So many questions popped in my head that i want answers to.

We all finished our breakfeast in silence and payed our amout before leaving as well.

"Hey Adam?" Brad stopped behind all the guys getting my attention. He seemed fidgety and at a loss for words of what just happened not long ago. "Im sorry about earlier. I just wanted you two to talk and make up." He looked down and played with is fingers. I just sighed and gave him a big manly hug.

"Its ok. I dont blame you for trying but im just so pissed off at her for leaving." I pulled away and Brad looked up at me.

"I dont think it was like that Adam. You heard her in there. I dont think she did it on purpose." He looked behind him to see how far the guys have gone before noticing he was gone. They stoped about two lights up. 

In my mind many questions were forming. Even if she did it on accident i am still pretty pissed at her. "I dont know Brad. For her to suddenly come back after all these years of hiding leaves some suspicion." Brad gave out an angry growl.

"Believe it or not, you cant be pissed at her forever. Shes the love of your life and you should get her back so your not a complete douche bag who mopes around. So go talk to your daughter and maybe you can do it together." With that Brad walked away in frustration. They all belive i should get back with Eve but what she did really hurt me and i dont know if i would ever forgive her.

But maybe he's right. Maybe she didnt mean to leave. And what she told me the day i saw her back in Texas was a lie. Maybe i should go talk to her dispite all the rage and anger i have for her.

Eves pov

I sat alone in the hotel room crying my eyes out. How could he be so mean to me? He doesn't even know the truth. I cant belive i still love him. After all these years you think that i would forget him and move on and find another guy but no. I was still in love with Adam even though he thought i was dead. Everytime a guy would try to hook up with me it was hard to explian why i didn't like them back and that my heart was set on the man i was once married to. It was hard hiding my true identity for so many years.

My phone rang which brought me out of my memories if the past. I wiped my eyes and answered to phone.

"Hello?" I asked, unsure of who it was. I didnt regonize the number.

"Jess, its your boss. I was just letting you know that you guys should head back to Texas and get back to work." Work! We were only gone for a couple days. Theres no way we can go back yet. I want to stay. Stay with all my family and friends.

"I'll tell the guys when they get back to the hotel." I hung up and sat on my bed, curled up in a ball and cried. I didnt want to go yet. I wasn't done with my life here. I still have to make things right with Adam.

Ugh bringing up his name made me cry more and get angrier. Maybe going back home for a few days is a good thing. It would help clear things up and make my life dection to move back here or stay living in Texas. Maybe going back for a bit would help the situation.

The hotel room door opened and soon came in my friends. As soon as they spotted me they came dashing to my side to see if i was ok.

"Oh my god! Are you ok?" Silvia screeched trying to wipe the tears from my face.

"What happened?" Jayden said finally at my side. I hugged her tight and cried some more in her arms. She patted my back as i calmed down a bit.

"I had a fight with Adam." They all gasped as i swallowed back some tears. "He just kept yelling at me and saying that i just left because i didnt love him and i left him for you guys cause your better." I cried a bit more as the others were enraged in Adams actions.

"That bitch. How could he?" Logan said getting ready for a fight.

"He doesnt knkw why you left does he?" Jayden asked. I just shook my head and held onto her tighter. We sat in silence for a couple mimutes till Mason spoke up.

"Maybe he should know why and not be such an ass anymore." I sat up and looked at everyone, ready to break thr news.

"The boss called. He said thst vacation is over and its time to head back." They all gasped and got up fustrated. They started packing like crazy since you dont want to disobey the bosses orders. If you do he'll just fire us.

"Guy!" I said gettung their attention. They all stopped packing and looked up at me. "Going back is probably a good idea. It would help clear my mind and settle down the rest of the guys. To take in that im back." I implyed that more towrds Adam since hes so pissed. They all agreed and we got finished packing. I decided to call my brother to let him know.

I stepped out on the hotel room's balcony and called up Mikey. Ut rang a few times before he actually answered.

"Eve? Whats up?" I sighed which probably killed his happy mood.

"Im going back to Texas for awhile." He didnt say a word. He was probably in shock. "My boss called and told me to come back to work so we are gonna leave in the morning." He sighed.

"I thought you were gonna stay here, with us." I sighed, trying to hold back my tears. Its for the best.

"Mikey it not like im gone forever. Im going back to maybe clear things up with Adam and everyone else. To settle things a little. I'll be back. This is just temporary." I looked down and the busy streets below. Cars just zoomed on by as the day became darker and darker.

"Alright. I hope to see you back soon when you move back." I slightly smiled even thought he wouldnt see it. I hung up and got ready for bed. I hope things will work out.


Heres another chapter. What do you think. Let me know. Also Shane is coming back so stay tuned for that. If you dont remember who Shane is then go back to chapter 2

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