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Lilly's POV

I was kinda dissapointed that the woman that gave birth to me didnt even want to see me. Nor did she want to talk to me. I was even a little mad. Shes proabably still pissed at herself that she left all those years ago. If she intentionally did it.

"Hey Lilly." My uncle Mikey came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Its alright. Im sure she'll talk when shes ready." He gave me a ensuring smile which i gave back.

"Yeah. Enough of that. Come sit and tell us about tour." Rebecca pointed to a spot on the couch next to Fang. I smiled and took the seat, Andy sitting next to me.

For the next hour or so we shared our experiences with tour amd they told me a bunch of stories of when my father would go on tour before i was born. We contintued on with these stoires till the front door opened.

"Guys! Is Lilly here! I can't fin...." My dad walked into the living room and spotted me sitting on the couch. Once he did he smiled and it was as if all the wight was lifted off his shoulders.

"Ive been here. Talking to them." I smiled and we contintued on with our stories till it was time to get back to the bus. We had to get some rest for the show tomorrow.


The crowd chanted our names as the concert was just about to begin. Not gonna lie i was nervous. Not because of the show but the people who are in the crowd, or should be. As far as i know Three Days Grace was gonna be there and Michelle and the others. I wanted this show to be perfect for them.

Andy's band went on first. As soon as they stepped out the crowd went wild.  They went through their set list before it was my turn.

"You ready?" Jack asked feeling my nervousness. I wasnt sure id i was ready or not. Im a 16 year old who performs in front of people. The daughter of a legend. If i wasnt ready then where was i?

I nodded at Jack as the Black Veil Brides boys came off stage. Andy came over to me and gave me quick sweaty hug and a lomg passionate kiss.

"You ready for this?" He smiled knowing who was out there waiting for me. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I have to make this perfect for my family.

"More than ready." I smile and give Andy another hug before we were called up to go to stage.

"Ill see you after the show. Be surprised when you step out there." He smiled and i ran on stage. I wonder what he means by be surprised, i already know my family is out there.

I walked on stage and the crowd screamed our names. "Alright Minnesota! How the fuck are you!?" They all screamef back at me. I looked out in the crowd, searching for them. It took me ahwile but i found them standing right there in the front row. I couldn't help but smile.

"I see my family came and party with me! How are you a..." The crowed screamed along with the rest of my family. I stopped when i saw that one person standing in the crowd. It was as if i was seeing a ghost. There stood my mother. She came with her friends to support me. I could feel a single tear fall down my face but not a sad tear. A tear of happiness.

"Alright. For those of you who don't know we are The Dead Men Marching! And we are here to rock your socks off!" The crowd screamed, going wild a little.

"This first song is called savoir! Sing along if you know it!" We began to play Andy's song Savoir. It was a good song and i added my own little twist to it.

As we went through our set list i couldnt help but look down at my mom and see her rocking out to my music. I never thought i would be here, on stage or yet see my mom, supporting me.

"Alright! For this last song i would like to bring someone out to help me." Everyone chanted for Andy to come on stage and sing with me but i had someone else in mind. I decided to make this last song special.

"Now i dont really do this but today is a special occasion." I look down at my mom and smile. I want to do this for her. To make her know im not that mad at her. That i care. "I would like to bring my dad to help me sing this last song!" The crowd errupts in cheers as he walks on stage. He looks at me looking confused but i just gave him a smile and handed him the moc to say some words.

"Thank you guys for supporting me and my daughter." He forced a smile, knowing what hes goimg through i dont blame him.

"Alright one more thing before we start the song. I would like to dedicate this song to someone." Everyone immeditally start yelling out thier own names, trying to get me to dedicate it to them. I looked at mom and smiled.

I would like to decicate this song to someone who growing up wasnt always there but in my memories. That even though she was never there and i dispise that she will always have a special place in my heart. This song is to you and i hope for a new beginging." I smiled as i waved down at her. She had tears in her eyes. I could tell she was happy. I wanted a new beginning with my mom.

Adam looked to where i was waving and gave a disgusted look. I kinda got pissed at that. I wanted to know what his problem was. Hes probably gonna yell at me later.

"Why are you forgiving her. She left us and made us belive she was dead." He spit out in anger. I was pissed. He was mad at her. I mean all these years he was devastated from her death but he could at least be appreciative to her being here and alive.

"Because she is my mother." I gave a snobby additude and he just gave me a deep sigh.

"This song is called Lost In You." I yelled out and the music started.

"I always knew that you come back to get me, and you always knew that it wouldnt be easy, to go back to the start to see where it all began, or end up at the bottom to watch how it all ends." I started. I used to listen to this song a lot back when i lived alone cause i always thought it was for my mom.

"You tried to lie and say i was everything, i remember when i said, 'im nothing without you' im nothing without you." Adam sang sounding exactly like the original song.

We sang the rest of the song as a deut and soon the song was over and we rushed off stage. Adam stormed off to the dressing room while i ran up to Andy. I gave him a big hug and kept jumping up and down.

"Oh my god that was the best show we've ever did! Did you see me out there?!" I smiled with joy. Andy laughed and nodded his head.

"Yes i saw you. You did great. Did you see her out there?" I asked and i immediately knew who he was talking about. I couldnt help but wipe the smile off my face.

"I did and she looked beautiful. Im glad she cane to support me." Andy hugged me once more before heading over to all the other guys. I walked over to the side of the stage to see all my family there. Just them and everyone else. They were talkimg amongst themselves.

I walked out, and everyone turned and looked at me. The last to look was Eve. She turned around and her face lit up like a firework. Its time we talk.



I just wanted to get Lilly's side of the story to fill in some gaps. But its going good.

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