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Lillys pov

I woke up to a strange array of smells around our tour bus. We were back on the road for our last show of the tour and then im going back home get my life back with my mother. And of course my dad. He stayed back home due to his attitude and he had stuff to do.

I got out of my bunk and walked into the main area of the bus to see what that smell was. I saw Jack and Jorome in the kitchen making some sort of breakfeast.

"Smells good doesnt it?" Jorome asks taking the whole pan off the stove.

"It woke me up. What are you making?" I walked in the kitchen and saw eggs, pancakes, and sausage. It smelled so good but they never cook. "Whats the occasion?" It seems odd to cook all this.

"We just think that we should start our last day of tour off great. Starting with a good breakfeast." Jack smiled and set the food on the table.

"Can you go get Micheal?" Jorome asked pointing to the bunks. I have no clue how he sleeps for that long. I walked over to the bunks and proceeded to Michaels.

"Wake up Micheal! We have food!" As soon as i said food he shot up and ran to the table. I couldnt help but laugh. We all sat around and ate our breakfeast before our last day of tour.


Eves pov. 

We were on the road to Texas. As much as i want to stay i cant wait to get back. I love working at Spencer's. Maybe I'll go talk to shane.

I leaned my head on the window and looked out on the sights before me. I almost forgot that its so green in Minnesota. Texas has a little bit of green. "Are we there yet?" Silvia asked not even 3 hours in the drive. I knew it was a bad idea picking her. We have 2 cars. Mason, Megan and Logan in the other and me, Slivia and Jayden in this one.

"No. We arnt even close so why dont you just take a nap." Jayden said not taking her eyes off the road. Silvia crossed her arms and pouted. This is gonna be a long drive.


Once i got home i unpacked my stuff and went to bed to get myself ready for work tomarrow.

Lilly's Pov

"Thank you all!!" I screamed at the crowd before running off stage. It was the last show of the tour. Now we are headed back home. I finally get to hang out with my mom and maybe my dad. Maybe he can forgive mom.

I fell asleep thinking about mom and all the things we could do now that i know shes back. Come to think of it, shes part of the reason why i went into music. I wrote some songs about her. Growing up in that warehouse all i did was think how my life would be if she never left. If she never died.

Neil and Johnny were like my only parents growing up. They looked after me when my dad couldnt. When he just hid away from Minnesota.

I awoke with a jolt of the bus and the sudden creak of the wheels. I hopped out my buss and seen that we made it back home and the bus is part in front of my house or should i say my mothers house.

I ran off the bus and into the house and went straight to Michelle to hug her. She seemed so surprised but hugged back anyway. It felt so great to be back home cause this time i have my mom.

"Well glad to see your back. How was the last show?" She asked as i sat down on the opposite couch of her.

"It was great. We had lights and fire!" I exclaimed. It was fun. The last show is one to remember.

"Well thats good. Im actually glad your here. Your father is up in your room waiting for you. He wants to talk to you." She pointed up the stairs and gave a fake smile. Wonder what that was about. I just shrugged it off and went upstairs.

Once i walked in my room he looked up and smiled. "What brings you here dad?" He smiles and sits on my bed. I sat next to him.

"I wanted to talk to you... About, um, about Eve." I chuckled a little. Hes finally getting over it. "I need your help."

"With what?" I smiled and layed my head on his shoulder.

"I want to talk to her and get to know why she left. Why she just came back now. And i don't wanna go alone." I laughed and patted him on the back. Im glad he finally wants to talk to her.

"Yeah. Sure come on." We got up and headed down stairs and grabbed our stuff to leave. We had to go to where Mikey works because he has her number.



Im just gonna stop the chapter right here. Hopw you enjoy and i know its boring but its a slow part in the story and the plot.

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