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I woke up the next morning to my phone going off. I looked around and saw that everyone was awake and mingling around the hotel room. 

"Get the damn phone already. Its been going off for the last hour." Silvia yells from the bathroom. I reach over and grab my phone off the nightstand and see an unknown number. I answered it curious to see who it is. 

"Hello?" I answer in a groggy voice. I quickly clear my throat and listen to what the person has to say.

"Eve?" The voice questions. I raised a brow and sat up in the bed. That got everyone's attention, wondering who might be on the phone. They didn't at all sound familiar which raised more questions because not a lot of people know im alive. 

"Uh this is she?" I heard a shift on the other side and a sigh, followed along by voices in the background. 

"Hey, uh Eve, its Mikey." I looked at the number again and saw that it was indeed Mikeys number. 

"Hey bro whats up?" I cleared my throat once more and insured everyone that it was ok. They still wanted to listen in.

"Its Lilly." Chills ran down my spine. Flashbacks from the other night ran over my mind. That triggered everyones worry again. "She um, she came to our house today and um, she talked to us about you." He sounded nervous, scared even. Once again i heard voices, louder this time but to muffled to hear what they are saying.

"What did she say?" I swallowed a big lump in my throat and ran a hand through my hair. I dont know why but i was so nervous. i was scared even. I heard Mikey sigh followed by a long period of silence. 

"All she asked was that is we knew if you were alive. We told her about yesterday and she seemed a little upset but she asked to see you." I started to shake. I was afraid of what she wanted to say to me. Why did she want to see me? Suddenly i felt sick to my stomach. I couldnt bear to see her again. I felt ashamed for leaving her behind. None the less Adam is still really pissed at me. I cant imagine how she feels.

"Mikey I-." I sighed and swallowed back tears that were ready to fall at any minute. "I dont know if i can bring my self to do it. I hat myself for leaving and i dont even know if shes mad at me." All my friends noticed my deli-ma and they started to comfort me. The tears that threatened my eyes  began to fall. I heard Mikey sigh and in the background i can hear a faint sob. 

"Eve, i really think you should. You've been avoiding her for to long. Your gonna have to talk to her sooner or later." I started to cry some more. I know he is right. 

"Mikey i-" I choked back tears as i heard more yelling in the back. All my friends tried to comfort me knowing exactly what is going on. 

"No. Eve i know you better than anyone. Your my sister and my long time best friend. Dont tell me you cant do it cause i know damn well you can. Get your shit together and go see your daughter. She needs you more than anything right now, now that she knows her mother is alive."  I immediately stopped crying. He was right. She is my daughter. She grew up without a mother or a father. Its about time i step back into her life.

But not today. Oh god i am not ready to see her today. "Im Sorry." Was all i said then i hung up. I cried more as my friends all comfort me. Rubbing my back, and giving me water to drink. After i calmed down we decided to watch tv for a bit. I couldnt stop thinking about what might be going through Lilly's mind right now.

"Why dont we all go out for a bit, get things off our minds?" Jayden suggested and we all agreed. Thats what i needed for a bit. Get them off my mind, get my self prepared to talk to them. But deep down i know, that i would never be able to talk to them. I could never forgive myself. 



Its been awhile but i finally uploaded. im gonna write another one real quick in Lillys pov and then im done with this book for this book for the day. Hope you enjoy. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM GONTIER!

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