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We left Neil's house about 5 minutes ago and now we are headed to my old house. From what Matt told me all the guys are back in town for Lilly's up coming concert. (He was on his phone when i was over there.) So i hope that we dont accedntly run into Lilly again. She probably hates me right now.

"So where are we going now?" Jayden asks. I just look at her and smile as she focuses on the road.

"Lets just say these people i call family." I smiled, looking out the window. From the corner of my eye i can see her smiling. I looked back through the front window, looking at my surounings as i drove through the streets of Minnesota.

I rolled down the window and took in the smell of the fimilar sroundings. While im driving down the road i see a fimilar car that sticks out more than any other car i know. I parked my car right behind it and took the key out the ignition.

"What are we doing here? Have we arrived?" Jayden asks, looking around, very confused. I smiled once more as i saw him walk out the local drug store.

"No. Its a quick stop on the way. Its one of my old buddies." I step out the car soon to be followed by Jayden.

I leaned on the hood of the fimilar mustang and tilted my head down, waiting for him to come over.

"Hey miss! Thats my car. Im gonna have to a...." Mid way through his sentence i lifted my head. He gasped but soon gave me a big ass hug.

"Oh my god i thought you died! What the fuck Eve!" I smiled and chuckled.

"Well, im here now." He looked up to Jayden as he was letting go of me and gave her a confused look.

"Whos this?" They said at the same time making Jayden blush. She put a piece of her hair behind her ear as she looked down. Oh dear. She likes a man the same age as me.

"Jayden." She looked up at me. "This is my good old friend Johnny." I turned to the good old Appleseed man and smiled. "Tree fucker this is Jayden." Jayden laughed while Johnny lightly punched my arm.

"Tree fucker!" She had a hard time getting that out as she was laughing to hard.

"Yeah she calls me names because my name is Johnny appleseed. Her and her daughter." She immeditaly stopped laughing. I looked down as Johnny gave me a confused look.

"So i see you took care of her. I heard." I said sadly. I was so ashamed of my self for abandoning my daughter.

"So uh, you've talked to her too." Yeah. She was the whole reason why ive decided to show my face to the world again." I looked to Jayden for help. All i got back was an apologetic smile.

"Yeah. Her and Adam were pissed. But I'll get around to them. They are just shockef and mad." He gave me another hug, this time a tight sqeeze.

"Well now that i know your not dead i can help you like what i did back then." I looked up at him and smiled.

We said our goodbyes and soon we made our way to my old house. They probably wont notice me because i look so different but its worth a shot.


"Im sorry your meeting all these people. You seem so quitet around them." I said as i switched off the car.

"Its ok. Im here for to help you in case you break down. Thats why im here. Thats why im your best friend." She gave me a smile in which i gladly returned.

We got out the car and walked up to the door of my big ass house i once owned with Adam. It wasn't nearly as big as the house in new york but i loved this house.

Immediately as i walked up to the door memories and questions hit me like a deer in headlights.

Jakiem is gonna be all grown up. Everyone will look really old i bet. What if they had children? All the times we fooled around in this house. Dear lord. Why did i ever leave?

I looked at Jayden and exchanged glances with her before proudly knocking on the door. I was confident. No matter what happened i was ready.

As soon as i knocked a dog was heard running to the door ans barking. Soon enough the door opened. The dog pushed past them and jumped on me, licking my face. She tackled me to the ground and licked me. I missed her just as much as she missed me. Im surprised she reconized me.

"Fang!" I looked up to see Michelle, going over to Fang and pulling her by the collar. "Im sorry. She doesn't normally do that. What can i help you two with?"

I smiled as i got up and looked at Fang. "Dont worry. Thats my dog so i half expected that." Michelle gave me a confused face while Jayden chuckled under her breath.

"Thats not right. The owner of this dog past away many years ago. Shes lived with us since then." Fang broke free of her grasp and darted towrds me. She rubbed up against me and licked my hand. I looked back up to Michelle who seemed shocked.

"Hi Michelle." I smiled and did a little wave. Tear struck her eyes as she smiled and ran towards me to hug me.  After a good long minute she pulled apart and slapped me. I half expected thst considering i left like a long time ago.

"All this time you were alive!" I nodded my head. She looked over to Jayden who graudually introduced herself.

"Come in. The other guys are here. Im sure Mikey would be glad to see you." We smiled and made our way in the house. Fang right behind us.


Ha clif hanger. Hope you guys are liking the story. I am litterally depressed and lonely but this calmed me a little because i miss wrting books one and 2. I missed these characters but its all good now. This is chapter one of many i have for my other books this week so stay tuned.

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