29. I'm Proud of You

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As soon as John and Joseoh heard the front door close, signalling that the three had left the house, Joseph turned to his little brother. "Has the deputy confessed?" He asked, getting straight to the point that they have been avoiding.

"She has...she agreed to come here today, agreed to be respectful and understanding. She isn't a believer but it's a start" John tried to reason, afraid of disappointing the Father.

"It is much more than a start John. I'm am proud of you, Eden's Gate shall be open for you" Joseph assured him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Joseph" John smiled a little, feeling a little guilty for talking about Amelia like she wasn't anything other than another sinner.

"Has she been cleansed?" His brother asked, tilting his head.

"Yes, Joseph" John nodded.

"I knew that you would make me proud. I won't ask about her sins, confessions are suppose to be private, but is there anything that you would like to confess?" Joseph asked him, knowing exactly what he had to confess but he wouldn't push him.

"No, Joseph" the baptist sighed and hung his head, looking down at his feet. Unable to make eye contact with the Father.

"There has been talk, about you and the deputy. Apparently you have both been rather friendly" he commented, hoping that his brother would just admit to what the family already knew.

"Yes. I suppose that you could call us friends, she needed to trust me to be comfortable confessing to me" John nodded, lifting his head to meet his brother's gaze.

"I hope that your intentions are pure, John. I don't want you forging a false friendship with her, she has come a long way" Joseph sighed.

"I understand Joseph" John nodded again.

"Tell me John, do you like her?" The preacher asked, just wanting his brother to be honest.

"Like her? I suppose. Once you look past her being the deputy, a sinner, she is rather pleasant to have around" the baptist admitted, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"I am glad, I hope that the family will accept her with open arms just as you have" Joseph smiled, placing his hands on both of John's shoulders. The meaning of his words were meant to be reassuring and caring but John seriously hoped that his family wouldn't see Amelia the same way he does.

The conversation ended when they heard the front door open and close again. The two brothers walked into the living room where they spotted the two women. "Where is Jacob?" Joseph asked with a smile.

"He went for a walk" Faith told him, missing out the part about the slight argument and comments he made.

"My apologies. My brother isn't the most social person" the preacher apologised and Amelia almost scoffed. John instantly sensed that something was wrong with her, and he had a strong feeling that it had something to do with Jacob.

John sent the deputy a look that asked her if she was alright, his expression instantly dropped when she adverted her gaze from his. Faith continued to smile as she left Amelia's side and walked over to Joseph. She whispered something in his ear, Joseph looked over at Amelia almost sadly and apologetically before leading Faith out of the room. Why must this family have so many private conversations?

Amelia and John stood in an awkward silence. He wanted to hurry over to her and wrap her in his arms, they had already be apart too long for his liking but he knew that he would only be met by rejection. Amelia seemed to be thinking about something, some sort of internal conflict.

She was thinking about John and Holly. She knew that she shouldn't be jealous, it was before she even arrived in Hope County. But a part of her thought that she was special, an exception to John's vows to The Project. It turns out that he had no problem with breaking those vows for anyone, maybe Amelia wasn't as special as she thought. A part of her was thinking logically. She knew that John was an addict, surely Holly was just some release. But that didn't ease the jealously that Amelia felt. The mystery woman even lived in the compound.

"Am-" John spoke up but was cut off by Joseph and Faith walking back into the room. John quickly shut his mouth and hung his head.

"Perhaps you two should head back to the ranch, I have to work on my next sermon" Joseph told him. Faith had just explained what had happened during the 'tour of the compound' and Joseph decided that John and the deputy should be given some time to talk through the new information. Joseph also knew about their relationship, he knew his brother better than anyone and he could see his attraction and his feeling towards the deputy from the very first time he saw them together. John's eyes were too expressive sometimes.

"Very well, I will see you soon Joseph" John said his goodbyes to Joseph and Faith, not bothering to find Jacob to say goodbye to him.

John and Amelia left the house in silence, both of them suffocating due to the tension as they drove back to the ranch. John didn't bother trying to place a hand on her knee or talk to her, he managed to control himself until he wasn't driving and endangering their lives. He could be impulsive but he wasn't stupid.

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