9: "Crash course time."

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The table was silent, everyone doing their own work. Pidge continuously tapped her pencil against her cheek, rereading the same calc problem over and over again while her mind wandered. Well, it wasn't wandering, it was just stuck on being annoyed about the glances Plaxum and Allura gave each other here and there while Pidge had regained her seat in between them. She was kind of regretting forcing Plaxum out of her seat.

"Oh! I nearly forgot, today is Monday!" Allura suddenly blurted. She turned to Pidge with a bright smile. "Should we start today?"

Plaxum's facial expression dropped. "You rejected me taking you to a movie but you're offering to go and study with a nerd?"

Pidge glared at Plaxum while Allura giggled.

"It's a Monday. I would never do anything on a crucial school night unless it's related to school." Allura's face suddenly scrunched up. "And I have a test tomorrow that I'm in dire need of help to study for." Allura grinned at Pidge. "Do you think you could come over today?"

Pidge's heart soared and clenched at the same time. Her heart soared since Allura was genuinely asking for Pidge's help while having rejected Plaxum, a sort of "in-your-face" glee, and clenched because that meant she had to spend time with someone she felt awkward with.

It'd be good practice, though, seeing as it was obvious Plaxum and Allura were going to start dating.

Pidge sucked a breath in and grinned in return with a single nod. "Sure." She took out her phone to text her mom, internally arguing with her split self. Some of her wanted to back out, some of her wanted to go. The fickleness of how being around Allura made Pidge feel was quite irritating. But, Mrs. Haggar had put her to this, so there wasn't really an option.

"Wonderful! Let's go!" Allura speedily packed her stuff away and grabbed Pidge's stuff from underneath her elbow, organizing all of it and holding it out for Pidge to take back.

Pidge looked up at her with her pencil against her cheek and wide, confused eyes. "We're going now?"

"Do you have an objection? My parents will be making dinner soon, so we may as well get a move on." Allura shook the papers.

Pidge took them, putting them into her bag and zipping her bag up, standing up and looking at Allura. Allura's radiance fueled a smile and a laugh as Pidge got dragged by the wrist out of the building.

Pidge has forgotten Allura's father had orange hair.

Standing in the doorway with a massive smile and sparkling eyes was the man with the orange hair, wearing a pink apron with a red heart over a white t-shirt and jeans.

"Oh, you brought a friend! What a marvelous occasion!" The man was like a mini sun on earth.

Pidge understood where Allura got her cheerful nature from.

"Come in, come in! I'm Coran Zarkon, but you can refer to me as Coran or Allura's Father Number 1." The man cheerfully stuck out his hand. "And who might you be?"

Pidge grinned and took the man's hand. It was as though the man's joy was contagious; Pidge figured Coran was where Allura got it from. "Pidge Holt," Pidge introduced.

"It's nice to meet you Pidge!" Coran retracted his hand and waved as he walked inside the small house. "Come in off the front porch! I was just about to get dinner started. How does homemade tacos sound?"

"Great!" Allura beamed, rushing in after him and throwing her shoes off in the doorway.

Pidge casually stepped inside, looking around. The small house was painted in all pastel yellow and green, with mostly beige and brown furniture. In front of the entrance was a stairway up to the second floor and walls on either side of the entrance. There weren't doors on the lower floor, except one labeled "Bathroom" next to the kitchen archway in the entrance hallway—instead of doors, there were archways, so Pidge could see clearly both into the living room and the kitchen. The kitchen had white marble counters on bold brown counters. The floors were wooden, with maroon carpeting on the stairs as well as underneath pieces of furniture such as couches or tables. It was a very welcoming, organized house.

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