35: "Where some of the problem lies..."

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When Hunk said she was going to help with baking, Pidge didn't think she'd be stuck decorating cookies, but that was probably for the best seeing as Pidge nearly burned down the house any time she tried cooking or baking. After being given Pidge's mom's permission and putting her mom's own baking on pause, Hunk immediately began baking, leaving Pidge with nothing to do but sit on a stool and wait.

Hunk sighed as he closed the oven, setting a timer before walking over to the counter and looking at Pidge from the other side. He looked around, making sure that no one was listening, and no one was; Plaxum was busy making a card from scratch and Allura was finalizing her stocking, though mostly, Plaxum and Allura were bugging Keith about the love letter suggestion. Pidge couldn't help but stare at Allura's bright smile and be overwhelmed by a warm sensation, and then she'd see Keith again and everything would drop—even if she wanted to not blame him for Lance's action, she couldn't help it.

Hunk grinned at Pidge, talking in a low tone. "Hey, just so you know, things between Lance and Keith cleared up a bit."

Pidge turned to Hunk, eyes widened. "Really? How did that happen?"

"Keith visited him and they talked about everything that happened with Lance and how Lance has been doing." Hunk sighed. "But, they left on a low note since neither of them said anything about what to do about their relationship, so... That's why I suggested a love letter."

Pidge nodded and hummed in agreement, eyeing Keith again. And she still couldn't calm herself from setting on fire and glaring daggers at him.

Hunk put a hand on Pidge's head and ruffled her hair slowly, getting her attention. Hunk smiled his bright smile that could melt and reassure any heart. "Try to forgive him. They're both just teenagers like you and me."

Pidge burst into fire again and now glared daggers at Hunk. "How can you forgive someone who hurt Lance enough he became suicidal?" she angrily whispered.

Hunk gave her a stern look, whispering back, "Lance is at fault for his actions, but I'm sure you know that. Don't go mamabear on Keith for something he had very little control of and didn't want to happen either." Hunk sighed again, taking his hand off of Pidge's head and glancing over at the three fiddling with the basket and its decorations and contents while still whispering to Pidge. "None of us wanted it to happen."

The oven beeped, meaning Hunk could take out the cookies now. Pidge sighed, waiting for the cookies to cool as Hunk put another batch in and reset the timer. Pidge was tempted to take out her phone, but it hadn't buzzed, so she knew she had no new messages. Instead, all she could do was angrily tap her finger on the counter while resting her head in her hand. She didn't appreciate Lance texting Hunk but not her. Then again, she'd been too afraid to try and text him—too afraid to hear how he was doing. She knew she was at fault, too.

Hunk came over again and put a hand on Pidge's shoulder, getting her attention again. Hunk grinned. "Lance wanted me to tell you to not worry about his rebound crush on Allura. And don't be afraid to text him."

Pidge teared up hearing that. She hated having psychic best friends. Or well, best friends who all knew each other well enough it was easy to read each other given their situations.

Keith suddenly came over, sitting on the stool next to Pidge with a groan. Both Pidge and Hunk put their wide eyes on him. Keith tapped a pen against his forehead, staring down at a blank piece of looseleaf paper. Pidge found herself grinning.

She took a deep breath, shoving her mamabear sense down before saying anything. She smirked. "So, you are going to write a love letter?"

Keith sighed. "Well, when I went to see him in the hospital on Thursday, we talked. A lot. Somehow we didn't address the romantic aspect of our relationship, so I... didn't know what else to do." Keith nearly choked admitting that he was about to try and write a love letter to Lance.

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