22: "You guys were right."

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Pidge yawned, sitting up in bed. Her stomach immediately gurgled, getting a groan out of her as she rubbed her eyes and put her glasses on, looking at her phone.

Losershooter: yo are you coming to the diner today

Allura: Hey! Lance told me where the diner is, so I'm going to join you guys if that's okay...? I'd really like to spend time with you three outside of school.

Cookie Monster: hey Pidge!! just wanted to check up on you, are you feeling any better?? I hoep you're coming to the diner later!

Cookie Monster: *hope

Cookie Monster: sorry about that

Allura: I've also heard about a friend that doesn't go to our school, Keith? I'd like to meet him!

Allura: And I haven't gotten much time away from the house since moving here other than to be with Plaxum or have you tutor me... So I'd really like to come along...

Pidge grinned at all of the messages, texting the group chat.

I'll be at the diner in about 10-20.

She sighed and put her phone down as she got dressed, contemplating how to respond to Allura. Allura seemed very anxious about going, which Pidge wanted to help ease, but Pidge also didn't want it to come off as ignorant, as if she didn't understand that Allura felt she needed permission. After brushing her hair and teeth, about ready to head out, she finally responded to Allura.

Hey, I would love for you to come, as would the guys I'm sure. You don't need to worry. And you don't need my permission to hang out with people you'd like to, especially when I'm included. I'm heading to the diner now so I'll be there in about 10-20 minutes. See you there?

Pidge ran downstairs, slipping her sneakers on. While she was bent over to retie them, her stomach grumbled uncomfortably, making Pidge groan at leaving without even a small snack.

Her mom laughed from behind her, coming out of the living room. "Where are you heading in such a rush?"

"I woke up late. The guys are waiting for me at the diner," Pidge responded, followed by a yawn. She finished tying her shoes and stood up with a small back stretch, then grabbing a beige satchel-like purse to accompany her favorite simple outfit: her black G.A.S.A. t-shirt, jeans, and a bulky, blue jersey jacket that was Matt's. Matt had attempted football in high school; Pidge just wore some of the clothes he left in the house.

"Don't forget to text me anywhere you go," her mom reminded with a small laugh as she leaned against a wall.

Pidge turned to look at her mom with a smile. "I won't."

Her mom turned and walked back to the living room, raising her voice to call, "Have fun, sweetie! Love you!"

"Love you too!" Pidge called back as she opened the front door. She grinned to herself and shut the door behind her, stepping out into the sun.

Despite it being the middle of December, all anyone really needed was a sweatshirt to be comfortable outside. Garrison rarely got snow or low temperatures, which displeased Pidge. Pidge made it to the nearest bus stop, at the end of her street, and waited for the next bus. She had about six minutes to waste, so she played games on her phone as she waited. Somehow she wasn't anxious about going out and having her usual calm-down time with Lance and Hunk now include Allura. As if the fates were aligned for that day, Pidge got a text back from Allura as the bus pulled up.

Allura: Wonderful! See you there!

Pidge grinned as she put her phone back in her pocket and stepped up to the bus' steps.

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