11: "Shit, I lose."

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Waking up to the sun rising and the birds chirping would have been much preferred to the horribly invasive alarm that rang through her ears. She sat up in bed with a groan, reaching over to her bedside table and grabbing her phone as well as her glasses. She put her glasses on and read the notification on her phone. Any light feeling of joy fled from her veins. Her heart sank into her stomach. Her head hurt, as did the corners of her eyes as tears began to congregate. A hatred for Lance's stupidly confusing advice arose, as well as a hatred for herself and for Plaxum.

Allura: Hey, Pidge! I'm really sorry I didn't text you yesterday, and I completely forgot about tutoring! Plaxum and I went on a date and it slipped my mind to tell you. Sorry! I hope your evening went well anyway.

Pidge put her phone back on the bedside table, face down, and sucked in a breath before forcing herself to stand up and get on with her morning. Of course, chemistry class was every day so the thought of having to see Allura later lurked in the back of her mind like a distant siren, but Allura sat rows behind her in the normal class setting, so Pidge kept reminding herself of that. Then tech class came to mind, but Allura sat at a desk on the other side of the room, so that'd be okay too. She tried her best to forget Allura and forget Plaxum, but she couldn't. Allura stuck around in her mind. She couldn't focus. Her morning was hell. Classes were hell. Especially tech, where she had to actively avert her eyes from looking to one side.

In the middle of a quiet classroom, a hissing sound came from next to her — the direction she was avoiding. She glared sideways, talking in a whisper. "Lance, what do you want?"

"What's up with you? You're not talking at all," Lance whispered back, leaning in towards Pidge.

"Did something happen?" Hunk pitched in, leaning in towards Pidge too.

"No, nothing," Pidge huffed sarcastically, sinking in her seat. "Except for the worst possible thing." She let out a short breath before whispering choppily, "Allura and Plaxum... well, they went on a date."

"What?!" Lance screeched.

Mr. Ulaz cleared his voice from the front of the room, the three heads lifting and six eyes peering over their computers. Mr. Ulaz raised a soft eyebrow at Lance. "Lance, is there an issue?"

Lance laughed nervously and smiled. "No. Sorry, Mr. Ulaz."

"Please be a little quieter and focus on your work."

The three heads lowered again.

"They went on a date?!" Lance whispered.

Pidge groaned and nodded her head, staring at her computer screen while nothing but anger and confusion pumped her blood.

"Well," Hunk began, thought he sucked in a breath through his open mouth and then shut it. He was at a loss for words.

"Shit," Lance grumbled. "I lose."

Pidge rolled her eyes. She got shoulder rubs on both sides though. That got her through the rest of class.

Until near the end of class, when her phone buzzed with a message.

She assumed it was her mom or her brother bothering her about something having to do with family planning since her brother was supposed to visit soon, but she was highly disappointed.

Allura: Hey! Today is a Thursday, so I was wondering if you are free to tutor tonight? I think I'm a little too far behind in chemistry... Is it possible that you could help me learn the essentials from previous units tonight?

"Say yes and offer to have her over at your house," Hunk suddenly spoke from behind her.

She could feel both heads breathing down her neck on either side.

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