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Sitting with my back against the bed, I flicked on the television before moving around in my sheets in discomfort

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Sitting with my back against the bed, I flicked on the television before moving around in my sheets in discomfort. I needed to apologize to Bella and come up with a game plan. I needed to tell her that she means more to me than I thought possible.

I got up from the bed and walked as fast as I could down the stairs. I looked around for a moment for Bella, expecting her to pop her little face from around a doorway. But I cleared the house, and cleared it again, not seeing her.

"Bella!" I cried in worry as I realized she was gone.

I looked around the house one more time before crashing onto the couch, my face full of every emotion possible, except happiness. Where the fuck did she go?

Suddenly, my words before come back to me. "At least fucking stitch me up and run away. I don't care."

This got me standing on my feet and run to the front door. Did she really fucking leave? I moved around more, walking out the front steps just as I saw about four police cruisers fly down the street, a big black car following. My eyes widened in recognition. That's Bellas dads car.

She did go.

My heart rips more as I realize I was the reason I pushed her away. Being too harsh to her. I dove into the bushes so that Mr. Montgomery could not see me standing on his driveway. I followed the cars, getting into my car that Bella took and followed slowly behind. I trailed them to the police office and saw her father rip out of the car and run into the station. I lowered against my steering wheel when I see Bella dart into her father's arms.

At least I know she is safe.

Only I want her arms to be wrapped around me, her face digging into my side instead of her father's. I guess you could call me selfish, but I didn't like seeing her with her dad. It seemed too odd, almost like she wasn't supposed to have her dad around anymore. I'd got so used to seeing her alone on our week together, but now, I figure she needs someone other than me. I'm a criminal. I cannot do anything for her. Her dad can give her just the right amount of clothing, food, anything she really needs. But that didn't stop me from punching my steering wheel, over and over again. My horn went off, making me instantly stop and back up as fast as I could, my tires squealing as I drove away from there. I needed something to take my mind off of her.

That's how I ended up here, staring at the curvy girls dancing on stage in front of me. Horny old men throw their cash around as I stare at one girl, urging my body to get excited. Only my mind keeps flicking over to Bella. Her blue eyes. Damn.

"Need a drink?" A sudden voice says, making my eyes flick up to see a girl. She is dressed in normal clothes, making me wonder if she works here.

"Yes," I breathed as I reached over and grabbed the little shot cup from her. She smirks as she drops down in the seat next to me, her curly red hair glowing in a purple light. She crosses her legs, staring at me with unnatural purple eyes. She has freckles dotting her nose and cheeks, her lips pursed in a perfect pout, painted black.

"Why are you here?" She suddenly asks. "You don't seem like someone to walk in here."

"You're wrong. I usually go to strip clubs," I tell her, downing the shot. Fire reaches down to my core, making my face twist before I'm ready for another.

"Really? You're such a pretty boy I would think you would have girls on each arm," she says simply, rubbing something off her hand. I roll my eye but sit back. I stare ahead of me at a girl getting low to the floor before reaching up and opening her legs. My jaw clenches without realizing.

"Oh. That's the problem," she says sneakily. I look over at her, her purple eyes already staring at me. A blue light now crosses between us, dancing up her tan legs before landing on her shoulder. "You don't have the one."

"'The one'?" I quote, raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah. Every boy finds one. It's the girl who is gorgeous without knowing, the girl who means more to them than they know, blah blah blah," she rolls her purple eyes before continuing. "So where is this girl?" The corners of her black lips curl up.

"She's home," I reveal, deciding there's no harm in telling this woman my life story. Except for the part where I am the infamous Draco, ruthless murderer.

"Home? Why aren't you there?" The redhead asks, bouncing her left leg.

"Because I'm toxic to her."

Her eyebrows crinkle in confusion. "Is that good or bad?"

"Bad," I stress. "She's perfect and I'm some pile of smoldering shit."

"Unlikely. I'm sure you're the perfect man for her."

"Unlikely," I use the word she just used. Her purple eyes flicker with anger before she rolls her eyes.

"How long have you known this girl?"

"A month," I reveal. It's been a month since Marco hired me to kidnap Bella. If I would've known this was bound to happen, I never would have taken the job.

"Listen," the redhead says, finally inching closer to me and staring at me. Her tongue comes out to lick her lips as I stare at her, then she nods her head to the side, making me groan as I lean down to be level with her. She's going to tell me a secret. "If the girl stuck with you, it means she definitely felt something for you." The redhead says, trying to be all wise. I just pull back. She's telling bullshit.

"Bella felt nothing for me," I hiss, screwing up at mentioning her name. A pain rams up my stomach, not from the stab wound. From something else.

"Bella? Hmm. Listen, boy," she hisses to me as she leans close again. "If something happened between you two to make you end up here and her at home, you both are certainly hurt. Whether you guys realized it or not, I'm sure you were soulmates."

"There's no such thing," I instantly reject her idea as I stand up.

"No, I'm serious," she says, reaching out to grab my hand. "This happens all the time. Trust me. I own this place. I see sad men walk in here incessantly, all because of a woman. And if I've learned anything from my years of experience," the redhead pauses dramatically, her purple eyes seeming to glow red as a blue light passes through them. "It's that if you really love someone, you have to fight for them. Fight for your girl."

I stare at her for a moment, my fists clenching slowly. Bella doesn't need me to fight for her anymore. She's handled herself this far. So without any more talk, I build my walls back up before stomping out the front door, leaving the sensible redhead behind.


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