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It's been a week since I've gotten home; or at least as close to home as I can be

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It's been a week since I've gotten home; or at least as close to home as I can be. Dad made us settle down in the Chicago Cape, instantly getting his reserved floor. Jay has been standing by the door every day, looking forward with a strict face. I tried to make him smile the first couple of days, boredom lining my entire existence because my dad hasn't let me use my phone or anything. He hasn't even let me turn on the TV to hear my made up story. But I still snuck a little TV when he ran out on a surprise meeting. I instantly heard my fake storylining the television, telling everyone about how the daughter of multi-millionaire, James Montgomery escaped a tried kidnapping.

"Is she safe?" One woman with fake blond hair asked the camera just as it flicked to a commercial break. I hope I'm safe. Suddenly, my phone rings. My eyes find it across the room, wondering if my dad will burst into the room and scream at me for even having it on. When I don't hear him, I move over to it, seeing a text from Lexi, my best friend.

Lexi: Need some time to talk? Meet me at Gary's Dini at 10 <3

My heart instantly feels like a weight was shifted off of it. Of course, I need time to talk. And who better to than my best friend?

Me: I'll see if I can get dad to let me. Love you <3

Lexi: Love you too

I look up, finding my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are dull, my face a pale color. I've laid in my bed most of the time. The day always makes me tired, and feel like weights are pushing down on me. It sucks.

Sliding out of bed, I walk down the stairs, hearing my father's voice flood the house. I inch down the stairs, looking away from a certain spot as I pass it. Poor Cindy. My dad talks on the phone with his back to me, the door open on one side. I look at his back for a moment before sliding over to him and tapping his back. I look over at Jay, seeing him staring at me, his eyes almost shaped like almonds.

"Dad?" I ask quietly, my eyes hooked on his shoulder.

He turns around for a moment before he talks into the phone. "Hold on, I'll talk to you later." He drops the phone in his pocket and sends me a small smile. "What's up, honey?"

"Um..." I trail off, nervous to ask him to walk out of the penthouse. So far, I've been on house arrest. I haven't been able to leave or anything at any time. I have to ask to do this, that, and most certainly that. "Can I go out to Gary's Dini with Lexi?"


"Ten," I answer, a smile slipping across my face. My dads face does the complete opposite though. A big frown comes across his face, looking like some fish.

"How did you plan this?"

"She texted me," I say honestly, looking down for a moment before looking up, making my eyes big like puppies. My dad stares for a moment before sighing and running a hand through his gray hair.

Taken & Saved - Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now