Chapter 14

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The 3 teenagers slowly walk up the hill, each of them tense, holding onto each other tightly. Danielle was slightly relieved, having dealt with the small robot monster, but she was still nervous, regarding the bigger monster, wondering if it was still "alive" or not.

As the teenagers reach up the top of the hill, a large shadowy figure walks towards them. Shining in the sunlight, the Camaro reveals itself to the teenagers, having a blaster cannon as an arm, before it retreats back, forming a robot hand. Danielle grows amazed, seeing the transformation.

"What is it?" Mikaela whispers to Sam and Danielle.

"It's a robot" Danielle states, watching as the Camaro walks to them, standing still, hands on its hips, its blue optics staring down at them.

"But, like a know, like a super-advanced robot. It's probably Japanese," Sam mumbles, "Yeah, it's definitely Japanese."

Danielle furrows her eyebrows but doesn't say anything at Sam's comment. Cocking her head to the side, she untangles her hand from Sam, walking up the hill more, towards the Camaro.

"Danny!" Mikaela hisses, "What are you doing?"

"I don't think it wants to hurt us" Danielle predicts, "It would have done that already."

She catches sight of the Camaro staring down at her, its blue optics almost alluring and entrancing. Danielle cant help but look away, feeling heat form on her cheeks.

"Really?" Mikaela says, scowling, "Well do you speak robot? Because they just had a giant droid death-match!"

Danielle shakes her head, looking up at the robot.

"I think it wants something from me" Sam says aloud, catching the girls attention.

"What?" Mikaela and Danielle say in unison.

"Well, 'cause the other one was talking about my eBay page" Sam explains.

Mikaela groans, holding her head, "You two are the strangest people I've ever met."

Sam walks over to Danielle, grabbing onto her hand, both of them staring at the Camaro.

"Can you talk?" Sam yells out his question.

"XM Satellite Radio-Digital cable brings you- Columbia Broadcasting System" The radio echoes inside the Camaro to the teenagers.

Sam and Danielle grow silent, processing this information before Danielle speaks.

"So, you..." Danielle hesitates, "You talk through the radio?"

"Thank you, you're beautiful. You're wonderful, you're wonderful" The radio speaks once again, as the Camaro claps, pointing down at Danielle.

Danielle doesn't help but smile but watches as Sam takes a step forward.

"So, what was that last night? What was that?" Sam asks the Camaro.

"Message from Starfleet, Captain- Throughout the inanimate vastness of space- Angels will rain down like visitors from heaven! Hallelujah!" The radio inside the Camaro echoes, like the robot, was trying to explain, pointing at the sky.

"Visitor from heaven..." Mikaela mumbles, walking towards the twins, her hands in her pockets, "What are you like, an alien or something?"

The Camaro, surprisingly, nods at Mikaela, before leaning towards the ground, about to get on its knees. But, as it seems like he was going to go on his knees, his body transforms, turning back into the Camaro that Danielle and Sam bought from the car dealership almost a week ago. Danielle stands in awe, watching the transformation. Her an alien robot. Both of the Camaro's doors open, the radio growing static.

"Any more questions you want to ask?" The Camaro's radio emits.

Danielle shakes her head to herself, taking the initiative, walking to the Camaro. Her fingers brush over the hood of the car as she walks to the driver's side of the car. She takes a seat on the driver's side, watching as the Camaro pulls the seatbelt across her chest, securing her in the car, before adjusting the belt, making her feel more comfortable. Danielle doesn't try to hold back her yawn, as she snuggles herself further into the leather seat.

"Still can't believe you're an alien robot....." Danielle yawns, closing her eyes, "I kinda like it..."
She feels the seat underneath her warm slightly, as the seat tilts back, making her feel more comfortable.

"Sleep- Beautiful.- You need it" The radio says calmly to Danielle.

She doesn't acknowledge the radio, instead, she falls into a light sleep, vaguely hearing her brother and Mikaela hopping into the car. Once they were both in, she feels the Camaro shift the car into drive, as the car lurches forward, driving the 3 teenagers out of the area. But yet, Danielle feels safe inside the Camaro, even if that should be the last place she should feel safe at.

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