Chapter 29

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Sam and Mikaela kneel in silence in the hands of Sector Seven. The two, along with everyone else, had witnessed the transformation of Danielle. They watched her scream in pain, they watched her walk over to Bumblebee, they watched her fall from the helicopter. Both teenagers were worried, Sam being the most. He is terrified of Danielle's well-being. His heart nearly pounded at his chest at the sight of the impact of Danielle falling to the ground. The ground shook around the area, as Danielle falls limply. Helicopters start to land around her body, masking everyone's view from her. Sam looks over from his kneeling position over at Bumblebee, who looks like he is having the worst time of his life.

Bumblebee, to say the least, was scared. He has been frantically trying to free himself out of his problem of being tied up, but, with the resisting and the dry ice being iced on him, he could barely move. The only thing Bumblebee is able to move is his head, and it is just slightly without wincing in pain. All Bumblebee wants to do is to grab Danielle and get her out of this creek and into safety.

Sam, Bumblebee, and Mikaela watch as men from earlier, both in hazmat suits and in formal suits, walk over to where Danielle is. Sam bites his lip in anticipation, waiting for something to happen to ease his nerves.

"Did you know Danny could do that?" Mikaela mumbles beside Sam.

"No...I don't think she knew herself" Sam replies back, trying to shift himself closer to her.

Mikaela notices Sam trying to be closer to her and tries to reach over to him with her hands cuffed behind her back. Sam feels the brush of Mikaela's fingertips and manages to snag a finger with hers, holding the two.

"Sir, we have something?" a buzz says in one of the men in suit's radio comms echoes.

The men in suit grabs his radio, holding it to his mouth, "What's the status?"

"The target is back in its original state and appears to be unconsciousness."

"Very well. Have your men take the target back to S7 for testing. We will handle the other target."


Sam shakes his body in the cuffs, trying to make himself stand up from the ground. More force is added onto his shoulder, keeping him in his position, "Don't touch her! Leave her alone!"

With a nod from a nearby supervisor, the men holding Sam and Mikaela for them to stand up, dragging the two towards a nearby van. Sam fights in the man's grip, using any means necessary.

From afar, Bumblebee continues to fight in his tied up state, seeing multiple men disappear from his line of sight, the helicopters perched on the ground blocking his view. Bumblebee growls out in pain, thrashing, only to wince loudly, feeling the sharp ice sting on his legs and back.

Seeing movement in his line of sight, Bumblebee stops, his eyes desperately looking out for any signs of Danielle. And, sure enough, she was there. Two men hold her unconscious human body and walk her to a nearby helicopter. A long piece of fabric that can only be described as a blanket was draped over her naked body, covering her most intimate parts. Bumblebee groans, trying to direct more attention towards him than to Danielle, only to get blasted with dry ice in return.

"Danielle!" Sam screams out, struggling in his restraints.

Tears well in his eyes, watching the two men holding Danielle hoist her in the cargo holding of a helicopter, where over half a dozen men were already inside. Sam and Bumblebee watch as another blanket was draped on Danielle's unconscious body before Sam notices a thumbs up being shown to the pilot, who gradually starts up the helicopter again. Sam gives a last scream for his sister, before the helicopter shuts its doors, rising up from the ground.

Sam and Mikaela start to get dragged away from the scene, Sam willingly obliging, his head hanging low in defeat. Bumblebee watches the helicopter Danielle is in start to fade from the distance, heading South. He gives a sad whir of death, finally accepting his restraints, letting the hazmat men ice him.

Sam and Mikaela make to the vans, and Sam notices the man from earlier who scanned him and Danielle back at the house. He was still suitless, wearing only his briefs and an undershirt as well as his shoes. Sam notices the man's badge was placed proudly on his chest, as well as a tactical vest. He notices a nametag on the man's tactical vest.

"Happy to see me again?" the man asks the two teenagers as they pass by him.

Sam reads the man's name tag, and gives a dark glare at him, "Go to hell, Simmons."

The man, Simmons, gives a small smirk, cocking his head to the side quickly, "Put him in the car, next to his little criminal friend."

The men in suits force Sam and Mikaela into the van, before closing the doors. Mikaela doesn't waste time trying to pick her handcuffs, but Sam stops her, putting his hand on top of her.

"We're gonna get her back, Sam" Mikaela tries to assure Sam.

Sam only nods, taking hold of Mikaela's hand in his, trying to comfort himself. Sam looks through the window of the van, seeing a near-lifeless Bumblebee. He looks away quickly, tears welling up at the edge of his eyelids. He feels hopeless. He can only hope wherever they will be taken, that he will be able to see Danielle and Bumblebee once more.

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