IMAGINE: giving Shannon first aid TLC backstage

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"One minute to show time!" I yelled, tapping my pen on the clipboard. "I need Tomo- oh there you are, okay order of play we've got Tomo on first, then Shannon, and then Jared, are we clear?" I spoke into my radio "control centre do you copy?"

My radio crackled. "Copy that, Molly, out."

"Okay, let's go, let's move." I ushered Tomo through the blue velvet curtain, then turned and frowned. Jared was staring at me.

"You're on last, Mr J." I said, "Where is Shannon?"

Jared rolled his eyes in apology, and then winked, don't panic.

"Shan!" He called. "Come on, bro. Get your ass down here."

Shannon suddenly hopped down from nowhere. He nudged Jared in the ribs with his drumsticks on the way past, and gave him a cocky smile. When he reached the curtain he stopped and looked at me as if he had no idea I was in charge. His smile twitched when he realised I was growing impatient.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I got this." He placed his thumb under my chin and made me look at him directly in the eye, before smirking and disappearing through the curtain towards the stage. I froze. It had been a lingering look. I didn't know what it meant. I glanced at Jared, who was still leaning in the doorway, to see if he could translate. The tense silence was soon broken as we could hear Shannon drumming on the wall as he made his way down to the stage.

"That's a prowling Shanimal in his natural habitat." He whispered, walking towards me. "Means he fucking likes you." And then he was through the curtain and out of sight.

₪ Ø lll ·o.

After the show was over, Shannon was first to burst through the curtain, with sweat pouring off him. He had ripped off his t-shirt as he left the stage, and thundered down to the green room. I wasn't even prepared for him to appear so soon.

"Hey pumpkin." He breathed, "could you help me out? I need a medic, I think I busted my shoulder."

"I'm a first aider." I said, instantly. "Did you strain it? Let me see?"

He turned around and I saw the Earth tattooed between his shoulder blades. His right shoulder was a swollen.

"Jesus, Shannon were you trying to kill your drum kit?"

He panted, and winked at me. "Every time."

"Does this hurt?" I dug my fingers into his shoulder and massaged the swollen area.

He laughed. "No, actually that's kinda nice."

"You're alright then. I'll get you an ice pack, should keep the swelling down. I'll bring it to your dressing room, go make yourself comfortable." I backed off down the corridor and charged into the kitchen to retrieve a tea towel and an ice pack from the first aid kit under the sink. I had practically sprinted away so that Shannon couldn't see me grinning like an idiot.

I bumped into Jared on the way back to the green room.

"Hey," He called, "is Shannon okay? Where'd he go?"

I held the ice pack up. "He's hurt his shoulder, nothing this won't fix though." I pushed past Jared and continued down towards Shannon's dressing room. He followed me.

I knocked twice on Shannon's door and then entered.

"Here." I said, winding the tea towel around the ice pack and pressing it to his shoulder.

"Ahh, fuck that feels good." Shannon groaned. "Thank you, sweetheart."

Jared burst through the door seconds later. "Shannon, what the fuck did you do? Are you okay, bro?"

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