IMAGINE: bad boy Shannon falling for you in school

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It was well known that at the end of every school year, the graduating seniors would throw a massive party and basically get shit-faced. I wasn't really into all that, but this year my best friend Jared was a graduating senior and he had invited me along. I was only a junior but I felt I owed it to him and I was so proud of him.

"Please come, Y/N." He begged, giving me those huge puppy eyes. "I really want you to be there." 

"I dunno, Jared..." I shrugged, gathering my books from my locker. 

"It'll be so much fun, though." He nudged me a little. "Shannon is going too."

My eyes lit up, but I tried not to make it obvious, even though he already knew. 

"He is?" I asked, smiling a little.


"Okay, I'll think about it. I'll let you know. I gotta get to math, see you later." I shut my locker and scurried away, grinning to myself. Shannon had been the polar opposite of Jared in school. He was bad news. Nobody messed with Shannon Leto.

"That boy's brother on the other hand is nothing but trouble." I had heard my mom once say from the other room after Jared had gone home from my house one evening after school. He often came round to help me with my homework or we'd hang out and watch TV.

My mom absolutely loved Jared, though. I think she secretly used to hope that one day we would get together. It had been sixth months since my parents were both killed in a car accident. Jared had been there for me every day since. I had stayed at his house on so many nights that we were to each other almost like sister and brother. Shannon was rarely home, but when he was, he would always be kind to me.

As I hurried to class I thought about that one night when I had been especially upset and Jared had gone out to play soccer with his friends, leaving me in the house by myself. Shannon had come home unexpectedly, opened up a can of lager and almost shit himself when he saw me standing in the doorway. 

He did a double take and jumped, "Jesus, Y/N,  you scared me."

I teased him, "Shannon Leto? Scared? You shouldn't give away this information you never know what I might do with it."

He cracked a smirk. "You okay? How are you doing?"

I nodded a little sadly, "Yeah, I'm alright."

He placed the lager can down on the sideboard and walked over to me. "You're not, though, are you? I'm not stupid Y/N. Where's Jared?" He had placed his hands on my shoulders. 

I sniffed, trying not to cry in front of Shannon. "He's out playing soccer."

"Come here." He had pressed me to his chest and I had cried so hard it was embarrassing. "I know, I know." He had whispered over and over. "Let me call Jared."

Considering he was always excluded from school and everybody was afraid of him, I thought he was one of the kindest people I had ever met and I wasn't scared at all. He was just as caring as Jared and I suddenly resented everybody that talked badly of him. They didn't know the real Shannon like I did.

Sorry, mom, I muttered to myself, as I continued to class, but it's always been Shannon

I was so busy thinking about Shannon that I wasn't looking where I was going. I felt a foot stick out and collide with mine. I lost my balance and hit the ground hard. Shit, I winced.

I felt the world cave in on me as hundreds of kids pointed and laughed at me. The culprit who had tripped me up stepped forward.

"Watch where you're going, you stupid bitch." He taunted. I knew who it was. It was Josh Buckler. He was a senior, same as Jared, but he looked way older. All the girls in the school fell over him but I was the only one who literally did. He was always dating one of the senior cheerleaders or one of the popular juniors. I didn't even think he was all that. 

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