IMAGINE: Shannon looking after you when you're ill

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I woke up with a throbbing head ache. Fuck sakes, I thought. Today I was supposed to be going on a road trip with Shannon along the coast. 

I eased myself up onto my pillows. It didn't look particularly warm outside, but I was red hot and drenched in sweat.

"Oh God." I clamped a hand to my mouth and made a dash for the bathroom. 

After a good twenty minutes of sitting on the bathroom floor, shaking and sweating from throwing up, I decided I wasn't well enough to go out today. I crawled back into bed and lay there, waiting for time to pass by.

I drifted in and out of a dizzy sleep until my phone buzzed so loud it jolted me awake. 

Shannon calling...

"Shit." I muttered, fighting with the screen to press the accept call button. 

My head was pounding so hard it hurt to look at it.

"Hey." I croaked.

"Hey baby what's up? You ready?" He sounded so excited it broke my heart to have to let him down. I closed my eyes and swallowed.

"Shannon, I'm sick." I croaked. "I actually feel like death. I'm sorry."

There was a pause, I assume of disappointment, but he didn't let his voice show it.

"No way? Aww do you need me to come over? Let me help you." I could hear him grabbing his car keys and the phone went a little muffled, I assume as he balanced it somewhere while he put on his jacket.

"Shannon it's okay I... I feel bad enough as it is letting you down so you needn't-"

"Bullshit. You're my pumpkin and I'm not leaving you there by yourself when you're sick. Give me twenty minutes max I'll stop by the store and get you some things. What do you need?" I heard a car door slam.

"Aw Shan you really don't have to." My eyes were beginning to well up. He was so sweet.

"I'm about to drive so I gotta go baby. Listen, I'll bring you a Shannon special care package. There's a Target on the way. I'll see you real soon."

I smiled weakly. "I love you, Shan."

"I love you too baby. Ciao for now."

  ₪ Ø lll ·o. 

 Shannon swung his car into a space and ran into the store. He picked up a trolley and skidded along the first aisle looking for grapes. He found cotton candy flavour grapes and raised his eyebrows.

"Sweet lord." He threw a punnet into the trolley and continued.

Next, he picked up some magazines, and then he skidded round to the pharmacy. 

On his way past the snacks he picked up some chips for himself, and then thought hard about what he could get for the patient. 

"Ice cream." He muttered, standing in front of about a thousand flavours. He dived into one of the freezers and rummaged around until he found the perfect tub. 

As he was about to swing into the checkout he froze in front of the flowers. Shit, he thought, how could I forget these? He circled the entire stall about three times. What's her favourite?  He panicked, thinking hard. 

"Can I help you?" A lady asked. He jumped about a foot in the air.

"Shit! I mean, oh my God you scared me." He laughed. "Yeah, I er, I dunno. You got any others out back?" 

The store assistant smiled politely. "What's here is what we've got I'm afraid, sir. Were you looking for something specific?"

Shannon smirked. "It's okay, lady. I know you're secretly pretending to kill me. Customers always ask stupid questions. Thing is, though, I'm looking for sunflowers. Y/N likes sunflowers the most."

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