IMAGINE: Shannon getting road rage GIF #2

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Shannon is taking you on a little road trip but first he needs to battle the city traffic. It seems as though you are hitting a red light at every intersection.

"It's okay, baby." He says, reaching over and giving your knee a squeeze, "Once we're out of LA we can relax and it's a beautiful day, you know?"

You run your hand over his and squeeze back. "I'm so excited, Shannon!"

"It's gonna be awesome." He nodded, drumming on the steering wheel. 

You both eye the traffic lights that don't seem to be changing at all. All the cars in the other directions seem to have had a turn but you were still stationary. 

  "Oh my God come the fuck on already you bullshit lights

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  "Oh my God come the fuck on already you bullshit lights." He snaps, adjusting his hat and glasses and growing more impatient by the second. You watch Shannon getting flustered but you can't help finding him ridiculously attractive when he's angry.  

Horns are honking loudly from every angle and Shannon immediately looks in his rear view, assuming the drivers behind are angry with him.

"What the fuck, man? It's a fucking red light I can't fucking go can I? Do you know your highway code bitch? Do you?! You fucking colourblind?" He shouts at his mirror.

Your shoulders begin to shake a little with laughter.

He does a double take at you as if he's just remembered you're in the car with him. "Sorry, baby I'm over-reacting."

"No, it's okay, Shannon. Just ignore them it's not your fault."  You say, crossing one leg over the other.

"You're laughing at me Y/N." He says.

"Am I?" You try to hide your face but he's already seen you. 

"That is so out of order." He leans over and begins to tickle you until you can't breathe.

"Shannon! Oh my God, Shannon stop it!" You squirm about in the passenger seat trying to stop him but his hands are all over you. The honking from the cars behind rises into a fully blown orchestra of anger.

Shannon looks up and his face drains.

"The light is fucking green Shannon." He mutters to himself. "Okay, going!" He waves at the driver behind to tell him to shut up and you zoom off towards the next intersection. 

This was going to be a fun day.

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