IMAGINE: Shannon noticing you and pointing you out in the crowd

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When the lights came up, the stage layout had changed. Shannon's drum kit was now facing our side and Jared was singing to the right stands of the arena.

"Who's come out here tonight with someone they love?" Jared held his mic up to hear the reaction from the crowd. "Put your arm round them. Tell them you love them." He said.   

He skipped around the stage pointing at all the couples he could see.

I was there alone, but I loved Jared and Shannon more than anyone else who was in my life. If only I could put my arms around them both, I thought.

Jared hopped up to Shannon and put him in an affectionate headlock. 

"See you're all loved up down there but I fucking love my brother Shannon. Everyone say hi to Shannon!"

Shan waved a drumstick in the air and stuck his tongue out. I jumped up and down trying to get his attention but he was wearing sunglasses so I couldn't tell where he was looking.

"Its a dangerous night to fall in love." Jared told us.

Everyone went nuts. This was their brand new single and it had only been played live twice before tonight.

I knew all the words already.

"This is er... " Jared adjusted his mic stand,  "... This is a new one. Its just for you guys."

The music started and I closed my eyes, breathing in the new sounds. It was a true honour to hear the birth of a beautiful song.

  I, I am a man on fire
You, a violent desire  

I jumped up at the chorus, threw my arms in the air and sang at the top of my voice.

What a dangerous night to fall in love
Don't know why we still hide what we've become

Do you wanna cross the line?

We're runnin' out of time

A dangerous night to fall in love

Jared took another chorus acapella on the other side of the stage. He was kneeling down singing to someone. The echelon around me were swaying with their other halves. Fuck it, I thought, I'm going to do this alone and LOUDLY.

Started a stranger, a love endangered
The edge of a night
The face of an angel, the heart of a ghost
Was it a dream? 

It was at this point that Shannon lowered his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose and I could see his hazel eyes locked with mine. He did a double take and raised an eyebrow in surprise as I flawlessly yelled the new lyrics Jared was singing.

He tossed his sunnies to the side and sang with me.

He glanced over at Jared, and back at me with a cocky little grin

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He glanced over at Jared, and back at me with a cocky little grin. He winked at me as he repeatedly bashed the bass drum with his foot to raise the music back up into a huge crescendo.  The whole time he stamped the bass he didn't look away.

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