IMAGINE: Shannon GIF #3

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I was at the side of the stage for tonight's show. Shannon had made sure I got a special access pass and that I was being well looked after before he took his place behind the drums to greet thousands of screaming echelon.

"You ready, baby?" He had caught me in his arms and ran his rough hands gently through my hair. 

"I'm ready." I nodded. "I've got the perfect view."

 "If you need me I'll just be over there." He had whispered to me, pointing at the drum kit just before the lights went down.

I eyed him. "No shit, Shanlock."

He snorted, "I'm kidding. Just ask any of these fuckers with a security badge if you need anything. Oh, here, take my phone. Film some shit and put it on the internet. You're good with a camera."

I kissed him and gave him a gentle nudge. "I will do. Go kick some ass, Shan."

"You bet!" He'd called over his shoulder as he ran out after Jared.

I couldn't help but beam with pride as I watched him play. It always filled me with joy seeing him so happy doing what he loved. Girls in the golden circle were screaming his name and I wasn't even jealous because I knew exactly how they felt. I loved him more than anyone else in the whole world. 

He caught me grinning at him like an idiot during Walk On Water . 

He wasn't even watching what he was playing but he still played flawlessly

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He wasn't even watching what he was playing but he still played flawlessly. I raised my eyebrows at him, mouthed fucking concentrate Shannon and pointed to the drums. He couldn't even fight back a cheeky little smile and his beautiful eyes glittered with mischief. 

Yeah whatever baby I could hear him saying in my head as he rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at me. 

He smirked at me again but this time it was super suggestive. I could've watched him drumming for hours and I didn't want the show to end, but I also wanted it to hurry the fuck up and be over so that I could have that cheeky little tongue all to myself.

Little did he know I'd just filmed this little moment and it was about to go viral on his Instagram.

He's such a goofy idiot, I thought, I love him.

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