IMAGINE: Shannon letting you be the first person to ever hear Remedy

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I snuggled up to Shannon after he switched off the lamp. He drew circles on my arm as I closed my eyes and listened to his heart beating. 

"Hey, sweetheart?" He whispered.


"You know I think the world of you." 

I lifted my head of his chest and frowned at him for a second before cracking a smile. It wasn't like Shannon to get all sentimental all of a sudden.

"What are you after, Shannon?" I poked his cheek. 

"Nothing." He mumbled, all sleepy. "Just you." 

I felt bad for assuming he was up to something so I kissed him deep and slow until we fell asleep cuddling each other. 

I woke up during the early hours disturbed by a light from under the door. I turned over to find Shannon gone. I sat up. Where the fuck did he go? 

I padded out into the hallway rubbing my eyes from the harsh light to see if he was in the bathroom, but there was no sign of him. I slid into my slippers and grabbed my pink dressing gown, tying the knot firmly like I was ready to search for him.

"Shannon?" I called, poking my head through another door. I knew he hadn't been sleeping well recently but I had never known him to disappear completely from our room for more than five minutes or so to go to the bathroom or make a drink.

There was one place I hadn't checked: the studio. I went down into the basement and found an empty glass on the sideboard. I picked it up and frowned. Shannon never drank much these days. I also spied a folded packet of chips and I smirked to myself. Always the chips, Shannon

There was a tiny room at the back of the studio behind his drum kit which was the only possible place left that he could be in the house. I pushed the door open a crack and his strumming hand froze in mid-air. He was still wearing only his boxers.

"Shannon it's freezing in here." I pulled my pink dressing gown around me tighter.

"Hey, miss pink what you doing up?" He flicked me a little smile and adjusted his fingers on the fret board, double, triple checking he had the right chord. 

"I couldn't sleep." I mumbled. "What are you doing down here? It's like half three babe."

He shrugged. "Just workin on a song."

I took a seat on the arm of the couch. "Oh?"

"It's nothing." He looked away. 

I stood up again almost as soon as I had sat down and crouched down next to him. He was trying hard not to look me in the eye but he got distracted by the pink silk tie of my dressing gown and he pulled it so that it unravelled. 

"Shannon..." I warned him, giggling a little. "What are you writing about?"

He shrugged again and put the plectrum in his mouth. "Stuff." He said.

"Ah yes, Stuff  by Shannon Leto. I know the one."

He chuckled. "I'm just er, trying out a few chords, you know?"

"Does Jared know you're writing a song?" I asked. 

He shot me a sharp look but then softened. "Not really." He scratched the back of his head. I studied his body language. He was acting a bit weirder than normal if that was possible ;) 

"Can I hear it?" I asked.

He pinched my nose and twisted it a little. "You wanna hear it?" He asked, surprised.

"Of course I do." I laughed. "You are silly, Shannon. Why would I not wanna hear it?" I pulled up a stool nearby, sat and crossed my arms, eyebrows raised, waiting for him to play.

He giggled. "Baby don't look at me like that you'll put me off."

I pretended to be offended. "Why?"

"It's er... distracting." He rubbed his nose trying to hide a smile. "You're so beautiful. It's distracting as fuck and you want me to play Remedy?" 

I leaned forward, crossed one leg over the other and rested my chin on my fist. 

"Remedy ?" I mused... "What's it about?"

He smirked. "I'll let you decide what it's about."

"You've been down here every night writing this, haven't you?" 

He winked at me. "Maybe. You ready?"

"Yeah." I whispered.

He tapped on the guitar, counting himself in and then he began. I sat and listened in awe. 

When he had strummed the last note he hushed the guitar strings quickly as if he was embarrassed and hurried to put the guitar down. 

He didn't look at me for a good few moments and then it was as if he had come back into the room because I literally wasn't reacting. I couldn't move after what I had just heard.

"Did you like it?" He asked, still averting his eyes.

"Shannon." I whispered in a vague attempt to get his attention. When he didn't answer me I stood up and gripped both of his hands in mine, forcing him to look at me.

He saw that I was crying and he immediately wiped my eyes. "Aww baby I didn't mean to-"

I shook my head. "Shannon that was incredible. Please you have to show Jared. That song was... I can't even explain it, Shannon, it needs to go on your next album. Give J a break from the limelight for one track, you know? Please... it will go viral."

He swayed a little, thinking. "Yeaaaah... I dunno baby..."

I flung my arms around his neck and ran my hands through his hair.

"Shannon, listen to me. You need to release that song. You need to show the world you're more than just the drums. You have a fucking great voice! Let them hear it." 

He paused. "You think?"

"Yes." I pulled him closer and kissed him hard. "I'm so proud of you for writing about something so personal to you, as well. You're brave, Shannon. I couldn't do that."

He smiled at me for the first time since he'd finished playing. "You really believe in Remedy, don't you Y/N?"

"I believe in you Shannon." 

He pulled me into a long embrace, burying his nose into my hair. "Thank you, baby."

"No, thank you. I'm so happy you shared that with me."

He giggled. "Well you're the first." 

I released myself from our cuddle and prodded his chest with every word. "Make sure Jared is the second."

"Hmm... alright." He said.

"Alright?" I echoed, remembering the chorus.

He paused for a second. "Okay." 

Laughter bubbled up inside the both of us and then we both fell about in stitches. 

30 Seconds To Mars ⨺ *IMAGINES* ₪ Ø lll ·o.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz