IMAGINE: Being locked in a room with Shannon

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A/N: Hi everyone I'm so sorry it's been a while! I've been travelling and I just had a really important karate belt to grade for! Life gets in the way but I never stop thinking about Shannon ;) provehito in altum...

I got up from my desk to collect the files from the printer. It was effort every time I printed something out because I had to walk the entire way down the office, pass by all the fuckers I work with, smile at them, and pretend to like them.

The printer was located in a tiny unlit room at the end where all the servers were kept. The office was always bloody freezing, and even though it was a fair distance to walk for a piece of paper, it was always warm in the server cupboard and the hum of the machines was calming. It was also a great place to roll my eyes without being seen.

"Hey, Y/N." Someone said just as I reached the door to the server room.

"Hmm yeah hi." I mumbled, tugging at the door handle.

Who the fuck are you and how do you know my name?  I thought, rolling my eyes into the dark room.

The printer had just spewed out a load of documents so it was a case of rifling through them all to see which one out of a thousand was mine. And there was no light.

I perched on the table and flicked through all the warehouse notes before I found my order. I tidied the rest of the documents up and left them on top of the printer for whoever was coming to get them from downstairs. 

Suddenly I heard two men laughing on the outside and the door swung open. In came a guy I'd not seen before. He hadn't noticed me sitting there in the dark and he was still making faces through the little window at the guy on the other side.

That was when I heard the key turn in the lock.

"Oh, fuck you, come on!" This guy bashed on the door. "Let me out you son of a bitch!"

This was when I stood up. 

"Whoa, what the fuck?" He jumped about a foot in the air. "Jesus, I didn't see you."

I leaned over to him and peered through the window in the door. My hair draped over his arm as I craned to see who had locked us in, and I felt him flinch.

"Hey!" I called out and tapped on the window. "Open up, will you?"

A blonde guy called Craig who I knew from the warehouse looked up when he heard the noise and he grinned slowly at me and waggled the key. It wasn't fair that I had to get caught up in whatever taunt he was pulling on this geezer. 

"Craig, come on..." When he did nothing I turned to the mystery man. "Well?" 

He smirked at me. "Well what, chickadee? You're stuck with me."

I glared at him. "You're just gonna let him lock us in here? I'm claustrophobic and I got a shit ton of work to do so I need to get out of this room right now." I tapped my paper, still warm from the printer, against his arm.

I pressed my face up against the window. "Craig, come on! This isn't funny, mate."

I had been in the dark room for quite a few minutes now and the light streaming in through the window in the door had allowed my eyes to adjust slightly. When I looked back at him, I noticed his eyes first of all: a hurricane of hazel that was already trying to destroy me. I took a step back and a deep breath to calm down.

"Are you new?" I asked. "I've not seen you before."


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