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"Are you okay, Jared?" You ask. He looks like he is thinking deeply, or remembering something he wished he hadn't. He is so deep in thought he doesn't hear you.

"Jared?" You nudge him.

He blinks himself out of his daze. "Huh?" He says. "Oh..." He forces a smile. "What's up?"

"You're not okay, are you?" 

He shrugs. "Yeah, I'm good." He turns to leave but you catch his arm.

"J, talk to me." 

"It's nothin..." He mumbles.

"Doesn't look like nothing to me. Come on..." You make him a cup of tea and he smiles at you but his sad blue eyes are dull, and lifeless.

He takes a sip. "You always make the best tea, Y/N." He says, softly. 

"I'm glad you like it" You take a seat opposite him. "Now..." You say, "Tell me."

He takes a few seconds to gather himself. You can see his eyes darting about as he thinks of the right words to say. His strong hands grip the mug of tea tight with anxiety. 

"What do you do when you know something is real bad for you, Y/N, but you still can't let it go? Like, when you know everything is so wrong but you don't have the strength to let  go of everything you've spent years building and start again?" 

He looks right at you then. "Do you know what I mean?"

You frown at him. "Is this about the band? Has Shannon done something?"

He looks away. "Not exactly."

You lean forward and rest your elbows on the table between you and Jared.

"You know you can tell me anything, J. You're my best friend."

He gives a little flick of a smile but it fades as quickly as it came.

"I dunno how to say this... fuck..." He stutters. 

"Take your time." You slowly run your hand over his until he is comfortable with the contact and then he takes your hand and grips it tight.

"Y/N, I saw [girlfriend's name] make a pass at Shannon." He says quietly.

There is a haunting silence for what seems like a long time. You wait for him to continue speaking but he looks at you to indicate he is done. You can feel your eyes stinging at the lost and helpless expression on his face.

"When was this?" You ask, your voice breaking.

"Last week." He says. He gazes out of the window. "She doesn't know I saw them. Shannon wasn't having any of it, though, so I can't be mad at him. It's just her, Y/N. I can't do this. I can't look her in the eye and believe anything she says. But... I love her."

"Have you spoken to Shannon about it?"

He snorts. "No. I need to, I just don't know how to go about it."

"Do you want me to speak to him?" You stroke your thumb over his hand.

"No, thanks. It's okay. I should do it."

You watch him fall apart in front of you. 

"J..." You stand up and run to the other side of the table and you hold him for a while.

A/N: Where do you think this will go next? :D doo doo dooooo! Stay tuned Echelon family, and I'm sorry it's been a while - life gets in the way! Provehito in altum...

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