IMAGINE: Shannon being protective of you as Jared's girlfriend

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You make your entrance on Jared's arm, beaming with pride. This was the wrap party for his latest movie and you were so excited to celebrate his greatest role to date. It was almost guaranteed he would be up for Oscars and Golden Globes for this one so you were absolutely delighted that he had asked you to be his plus one for this special occasion. 

"I can't wait to introduce you to the cast and crew." He had said quietly as you helped him knot his bow tie. "I've told them so much about you."

You giggle nervously. "I hope they're not disappointed, J."

He blinks. "Thanks." He says, checking his bow tie in the mirror. "Say what, now? Disappointed? No fuckin' way. You're a knockout Y/N, they'll love you. Just er, watch out for the director he likes to talk a lot of shit."

He takes you in his arms and holds you for a while. He sniffs your hair and leaves soft kisses on your temple before pulling away and taking you by both hands.

"We need to leave." He says. "It's time."

  ₪ Ø lll ·o. 

 "Watch your step, baby." He whispers as you descend down two small steps into the grand hall where soft jazz music is playing and sharp dressed waiters are hurrying about with gold trays of caviar balanced on their fingers.

"Wow." You breathe, gazing about. You weren't used to this level of glamour and it all seemed like an alien world, but an exciting one at that.

The director appears from nowhere, talking animatedly to Jared and shaking his hand firmly, and for a long time. His chatter is muffled to you as you continue to look around in awe at the chandeliers and the gold centrepieces on the tables. 

"And this is my beautiful partner, Y/N..." Jared finally nudges you after what seems like an eternity and you instantly snap into the 'smile politely and shake his hand' mode that you had been over-thinking all day.

"Nice to meet you." You say with sincerity. 

He talks back to you at a hundred miles an hour with a thick Queens accent that grates on you but you continue to smile and nod. 

"Jared here never stops tawwking about you, you know? I said to him I said, Jared when are we gon' meet this gurl anyhow?  And that's when he told me all about the time when you..."

You doze off with boredom, nodding every time he pauses for breath and smiling at Jared every few sentences or so. He can sense you feel uncomfortable so he adjusts his grip on your arm and squeezes it gently which makes you look at him. He winks.

"Yeah, hey listen man we're gonna go get a drink and find our place at the table." Jared says smoothly. You admire him for being able to end an infinitely dull conversation so effortlessly without offending the director. 

"Sure, no sweat, Jared. I'll catch up with you later. Got plenty of people to get around." He laughs, and sticks a cigar between his teeth. He nudges your arm. "Catch you later, Y/N. Enjoy the party!"

"Thank you." You say, this time forcing a smile.

"Later." Jared nods. "Come on, baby, let's get you a drink." He leads you over to the centre table where you find your names written in calligraphy on a cream folded card with a gold border. You put your clutch bag down on the table and Jared pulls up your chair for you.

"Thanks babe." You say, adjusting your dress. 

He kneels down next to you. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, oh man that guy can talk." You laugh, fanning yourself. "Got so hot standing there."

30 Seconds To Mars ⨺ *IMAGINES* ₪ Ø lll ·o.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon