IMAGINE: Shannon bringing Black Fuel to your city

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Black Fuel @ intersection of Main st. and Springfield blvd. 12:30pm come and say hi!

I was scrolling through Twitter when I froze. My heart raced. Shannon Leto was selling coffee. Today. In this very city. I had tickets to see Mars tonight anyway, but I was not expecting this as well!

I began to panic when I glanced at the clock and saw the time. I had an hour to get ready and head down to the intersection. I was so excited that I wasn't thinking straight. I screwed up my eyeliner and I couldn't find the right thing to wear. Not that it mattered, but I could be about to meet Shannon Leto. I couldn't mess this up.

By the time I got down to the location, I was sweating and sore from running. I could see a small crowd gathering and a pungent smell of coffee wafted through the air. I was shaking so much. I needed coffee, and I needed Shannon.

As I drew nearer, I saw him.

He was wearing orange sunglasses and a camo snap-back. He was taking a selfie with a little kid who was also wearing orange sunglasses. They gave each other a high-five and then Shannon gave the mother a sample of some coffee.

As I approached, I wiped the sweat from under my eyes in case my makeup had smudged, and I watched Shannon with his customers. He seemed so warm and friendly.

I was so busy daydreaming I didn't realise I was next in the queue. He folded his arms and pushed his sunglasses further up the bridge of his nose.

"Hi there." He said, "did you run here?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Actually, yeah. Sorta."

"That keen for coffee, huh?" He grinned. "I don't blame you. What can I get you?"

I leaned on the table that stood between us and studied his face. 

"Surprise me, Shannon."

"You want a surprise coffee?" He seemed startled, but excited. "Stay there pumpkin I got just the thing." He dived into his little buggy and rummaged around. I watched him bend over, and I suddenly wished I also had some orange sunglasses to hide my bulging eyes.

He glanced up at me while creating my mystery drink.

"You a fan?" He asked, eyeing my air triad wrist tattoo. 

I narrowed my eyes. "What gave you that impression?"

He smirked. "I have that tattoo as well. What a coincidence." He stirred my coffee as he walked round to my side of the table, and handed it over. "Be careful, it's hot."

"Thank you." I took a sip and thought hard about the flavours. "Cinnamon? With a... wait no, that's gingerbread." I guessed. "With a hint of vanilla?"

He seemed surprised. "You know your coffee syrups. Now there's a girl I don't see every day. We're playing tonight in town - you got tickets?"

"I do."

"Awesome. Come down a little early. I have something for you, here." He took out a silk band with Black Fuel written on it and tied it to my wrist. "You show that to a member of staff and they will bring you round to the VIP area."

"What about my friend who's coming with me?" I frowned.

"Here's another." He tossed me another wristband. "Seriously. You guys who made the effort to come down today get a free upgrade and all for the love of coffee."

"Thank you so much!" I placed my coffee on the table and I jumped on him. He hugged me back tighter and squeezed so hard I could barely breathe.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." He said. I took out my phone and asked him for some selfies. He pretended to kiss my cheek in one of them, and I gave us some bunny ears on Snapchat. 

"Oh my God, Shan, your face in this one." I showed him the photo and he took off his sunglasses to see the screen.

"Jesus." He laughed. "That's a masterpiece." 

"Thank you for everything today." I said. "I can't wait to see you guys play later. I'll be there nice and early so I can meet you again and Jared of course."

He lightly touched my arm. "I don't even know your name."

"It's Y/N." I said. 

He winked, and put his sunglasses back on. "I won't forget."

30 Seconds To Mars ⨺ *IMAGINES* ₪ Ø lll ·o.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ