IMAGINE: Shannon being your annoying new neighbour {Warning: Smut!}

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I had lived in my apartment in downtown LA for nearly two years when it all started. During the whole time I had lived there, the pent house above me was empty. Until now.

I had heard all the commotion of stuff being dragged across the floor and the sound of footfall as the new resident had moved all their stuff in, but I never saw their face. I thought about going up there to introduce myself but I wasn't that brave.

It was the first night, and just as I had shut my light off and settled down to sleep, that was when the fucking drumming started. 

My eyes flew open. I sat up in bed, fuming. It's fucking midnight?? 

I tried muffling the noise with my pillow but it was just too loud. I grabbed hold of a broom from the kitchen and tried knocking on the ceiling to get them to stop but of course, they didn't hear me knocking over the loud crashing.

Jesus Christ, I thought.

I got back in to bed and forced my eyes closed. Block it out, I told myself. I shoved in some earplugs and tried to switch off, but I could still hear it.

I waited until there was a break in the drumming and then I stood on my bed and yelled at the top of my lungs. "WILL YOU SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!"

It was useless. 

"Right, that's it." I told myself. I grabbed my keys, marched out into the hallway, and called the elevator. I scowled at the dial, waiting for the elevator to reach my floor. 

I punched the button that said Pent House and crossed my arms as the doors closed. 

"He's not getting away with this." I muttered to myself, trying to figure out the best way to tell him to shut the fuck up without getting off to a bad start. He had a drum kit to annoy me with. I had nothing I could use to annoy him back.

Again, I waited for the drums to stop before I pushed the buzzer. 

I heard footsteps on the other side of the door. My heart raced. I was ready for a good argument. I didn't even care that I was in my nightdress and I had no make-up on. 

When the door opened my heart did a kamikaze. HOLY SHIT, I thought. He was wearing a ripped vest top which barely covered anything. He may as well have been topless. He is gorgeous. No, stop it. You're angry with him, remember?

"Hi." He said, leaning on the door. "I'm Shannon. You must be..."

"Y/N." I snapped. "I'm under you."

He smirked and gave me a little wink. "Well, slow down now. We only just met."

I could feel my face turning pink. Oh for fuck sakes.

"Listen," I said, trying to sound stern, "I have to go to work during the week, and I need to actually go to sleep during these hours." My voice was getting more and more high pitched. I couldn't have sounded less angry if I tried.

He nodded. "I get that." He said.

"So... are you going to stop drumming now?"

He licked his lips and narrowed his eyes, as if he was trying to work me out. It was hot, but I wasn't going to show him what I thought.

"What's the magic word?" He teased.

"Look," I said, "with all due respect you've just moved in here. Do you really wanna piss off your neighbours before you've even been here five seconds?" I eyed the drumsticks sticking out of the back pocket of his jeans. He saw me looking.

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